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LINK Why We’re Sharing 3 Million Russian Troll Tweets | FiveThirtyEight

Trolling in America the big picture. Hindsight is 20/20

When historians try to appraise Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, which historical artifacts will they use? Then-candidate Donald Trump’s speech imploring Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails, perhaps. The soccer ball Vladimir Putin gave President Trump at their summit in Helsinki probably merits inclusion. And then there are the tweets — millions of them.

Earlier this year, as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, the Justice Department charged 13 Russian nationals with interfering in American electoral and political processes. The defendants worked for a well-funded “troll factory” called the Internet Research Agency, which had 400 employees, according to one Russian news report. From a bland office building in St. Petersburg, the agency ran a sophisticated and coordinated campaign to sow disinformation and discord into American politics via social media. This often involved Trump’s favorite medium: Twitter.

Millions of the trolls’ tweets have since been removed from the service, and while other outlets, most prominently NBC News, have published samplings of them, it has been difficult to get a complete sense of the trolls’ strategy and the scale of their efforts. Until now.

Lukian 8 Aug 1

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Posting on FB a planned anti Trump rally at a particular time. Then posting a pro Trump rally at the same time across the street., Perhaps fomenting violence between the 2 groups? Naw! Putin the KGB agent isn't that smart.


Perhaps we could avoid some of this mess if we allowed the computer wizes from India to write our programs.


I don't think this is being taken seriously enough. I know poor sentence structure, I'm pissed trump's supporters are THAT stupid to believe the troll shit.


It was Brought Up before the elections I recalled discussing it on FB with old friends, the russian trolling. I used to troll them always asking how was the weather in Mockba.


good luck to them 🙂

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