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QUESTION Trump's 'shithole' comment

What do you think?

EllenDale 7 Jan 11

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I think he just compromised the safety of Americans in foreign countries and should be impeached for it.


I love Escanaba! Beautiful place on the lake.
Trump is such an embarrassment. He is bringing down our standing in the world faster than he can say "America First".
That's him speaking to his base, loud and clear. And they will continue to make excuses for him for how ever long it takes. And how they try to twist it that it is our problem that we actually listen to his words not his wonderful intent. Give me a break!


@Gary4234 At least most people in the US and people worldwide recognize it as racist even though that ass cant.


sickening disgrace ... even the UN has damned him over it. What an example for the children. He must go away ASAP


That man is a national disgrace.


Wow, leader of the free world not a fucking chance. Seems to me that the leader of a nation should be concentrating on making his own nation less of a shithole rather than denigrating others that companies from his have bleed dry. When heal care and education are higher and infant mortality lower in a poor country like Cuba he should shut the hell up.

Trump has knocked the States out of "leader of the free world" when he took the US out of the Paris Accord. I think it was Merkel who said, " We will continue on and lead the free world without the United States." Personally, I have been embarrassed by the US's insistence, demand, and race to lead the free world since I was in high school (class of '71).

Well said!

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