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Where do you find community?

Having spent my entire adult life working in the Human Services field, I am keenly aware of the value of healthy relationships and connectedness to others. Since leaving religion about 3 years ago, I have found myself alienated from my community and most of my friends as our main connection was based on religion. I’m curious as to where others who have left religion have found community in their lives.

dougee 4 Jan 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I lived in the Bible Belt and didn't know anyone who believed as I did, so I founded a freethinker group (on MeetUp) that has over 1000 members on FB and probably about 50 people who are active members. I made several good friends that way!


This is a great question deserving great answer for those in need. I became atheist alone as I grew up. I could hang out with christians, hell, I lived with a christian scientist that was second reader in her church and we still best friends and spent time together and do friend dates. But if you need more atheist in your life they will appear, there are many in the closet as well as many open.


That is a tough one. I've been agnostic for many year, and after being use to the church community I find I still haven't filled that void. I am looking into joining an astronomy club, both to learn, but also looking for community.


Amidst thoughts found in books written mostly by people long dead.

I too am a voracious reader (and writer); but still find solace, kinship and enlivening in human (live) interaction.


I have not tried it yet, but several people have mentioned to me that you can find a lot of agnostics and atheists at a Universalist Church, and they've enjoyed that community.


I find people at the Community Center ....where everybody is a believer but I don't local conferences and events.


Look for meet-up groups based on other interests, like politics, sports, or hobbies.

skado Level 9 Jan 12, 2018

I really like the Meet Up groups... there are many here in S. Cal., and if you don't find one to your liking, it is simple and not expensive to start one there on your own.


Well until I found this site I was pretty much on my own.


Here's good.


This site.

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