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Anybody heard anything on this lately?


So another show to find on pirate video? That can really be a bitch.


Talk to me when they bring back William Shatner as Captain Kirk.


yep looking forward to it


Screw CBS and their money grubbing scheme.


Make it so?


Yes! He’s great.


Picard was my favorite captain. That would be wonderful, though I have yet to see any of the most recent series.

LB67 Level 7 Aug 5, 2018

I particularly like Discovery although the Klingon make-up is not good.

@Lukian At this point, sadly, I have no intention of watching it. I hate the games CBS is playing, by making it only available through yet another 9.99 a month service. I paid extra for HBO, just to watch Game of Thrones and felt thoroughly ripped off by the service, as that one show was the only thing worth watching on HBO.

@LB67 too bad. I have a friend that gets it off the net and I have access to his private server for free.

@Lukian you are fortunate.

@LB67 i am and I know it.


I look forward to it.

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