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420/chronic illness query...

Tips on making cannabis more palatable? I cannot smoke it, but have access to butter. I’m trying to use it for pain(fibromyalgia) but I have a stomach disorder that causes so much nausea(gastroparesis). Brownies are NASTY. And it’s hard to get down enough to work. Suggestions?!

CarolinaGirl60 8 Aug 5

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I find cannabis makes my fibromyalgia Much Worse...heightens the pain to unbearable levels! How much do you need to get relief? To the point of having to stay on the couch, or.....?

I mostly want to use it a few times a week for sleep. I’m on sleep meds, but at times I still only get a few hours. Once it’s been a week of that, big flare. My problem with the cannabis is that I’m usually nauseated, almost always, and the smell/taste makes me gag.
I might not be able to use it, til tinctures are legal here. I’m hoping though!


I used to make firecrackers. You mix decarbed plant material in peanut butter, put it between graham crackers, and bake it. They taste like ass, to most, but I turned mine into peanut butter smores by using a 3rd cracker with chocolate and marshmallows. I sold a batch years ago to a friend and they said everyone was raving about how good they were.

The only other forum I use is You can find a lot of good information on there as well. A user named StormCrow (I think) makes a ton of in depth posts about edibles and recipes for specific conditions and effects.

Thank you!


Cannabis may have good uses. I have a stomach disorder that my doctors want to ignore, and I also have neuropathy in my feet. The foot tingling has been helped with malic acid capsules and I am fixing once again to ingest DMSO at a teaspoon a day. I am thinking of taking the DMSO and cannabis oil together if need be.

It may be radical but I once had a boss who could not walk due to hip problems. He took injections of DMSO and lydacaine and did fine for at least 90 days. In my case I have trouble walking unless I am in my New Balance shoes with diabetic inserts. I do not want to inject anything but pharma grade DMSO will not hurt you. As far as I know doctors have only approved it for one certain type of kidney problem.

Google all things before trying them.

I will: I hadn’t heard of the DMSO. My problem with cannabis is: I’m so nauseated already, most times, and the smell of it just exacerbates it. Maybe it will be legal here soon and I can find an easier form to ingest.


Look up the recipe for rock candy using cana butter.

MarkF Level 5 Aug 5, 2018

I haven't done this, but I believe youtube has tips on making it more concentrated. Probably quality in = quality out also.

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