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Inter-religious couples?

Ever since I became an atheist, I came to realize that dating was a whole lot more difficult since I was limiting my potential dates to only those who had similar views or were at least open minded.
In the U.S. the non-believer community is growing, but it is still small compared to the religious counterparts.

Are you currently, have, or considered dating someone religious? What has been your experience?

JesusOrtega21 5 Jan 13

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We even lived together. I went to church at times and no hives in my skin for it. We still friends and friend-date while I am here. But sleeping with her won't be wise for us now. So we fight those hormones with all our wills. She needs a man from church. I need a run-away nun from a convent. Not the same thing. We are grown ups that know the routine so her christian science religion or my atheism never comes up, that is what friends do for friends.


I just got out of an 8 year relationship with a Catholic. She knew I was an atheist from the start, and it never seemed to be a problem, but back in may she started cheating on me, and when she came clean one of the things she told me was that my atheism bothered her; that she didn't want me to go to hell


I just got out of an 8 year relationship with a Catholic. She knew I was an atheist from the start, and it never seemed to be a problem, but back in may she started cheating on me, and when she came clean one of the things she told me was that my atheism bothered her; that she didn't want me to go to hell


My first serious relationship was with a science major who somehow was also religious. It didn't really affect the relationship because she was very open minded and logical but when I would ask her things like, how can you believe both in evolution and creation? or, how can the myth of Noah's ark be true if there is no evidence of a world flood? She would always respond "I just do" It was a weird dichotomy going on in her head but somehow she balanced these incompatible beliefs and it worked for her.


Catholic is hard, because they can be so rigid and judgmental (I'm sure there are many denominations that are the same way, but it seems that here in Boston everyone is either Catholic... or not, ha!), but I would not be against dating a spiritual person who believes in God. Better, to me, than an atheist who constantly judges and criticizes religious people and religion in general, I don't need that kind of negativity either. 🙂


It has been really hard for me. My marriage ended over it. I am looking to date someone who is also not religious nor spiritual, but they are very few. I was living in California, which people might think is very progessive, but everyone is into New Age spirituality there if they are not Christian. I moved to Wisconsin now where its seemingly more Christian. I'm afraid to ask people out because I will definitely disappoint them, or vice versa. I was hoping to find more people in my area on the site, but it is still really new. I might have to get used to the idea of being alone for a while

I am glad I am married (44 years). I can't imagine what it would be like to be agnostic and date. I never liked dating anyhow. It was fun, but there were the break ups. Picking up the peaces and going on. I have seen relationships that worked well for a few where one was religious, and the other not. They succeeded by focussing on what they did have in common, and by remembering the good parts. Good luck

@Leutrelle thanks man. I'm sure I'll find somebody at some point. I just have to be more patient. I wish it was something that I didn't care so much about, but it is very important to me


It has been really hard for me. My marriage ended over it. I am looking to date someone who is also not religious nor spiritual, but they are very few. I was living in California, which people might think is very progessive, but everyone is into New Age spirituality there if they are not Christian. I moved to Wisconsin now where its seemingly more Christian. I'm afraid to ask people out because I will definitely disappoint them, or vice versa. I was hoping to find more people in my area on the site, but it is still really new. I might have to get used to the idea of being alone for a while


My husband was a non-practicing Catholic and I was a non-practicing Protestant. No matter how long we were away from attending church, he was always a good Catholic boy in bed--no hands, no mouth, only missionary style, once a week. Lasted for 5 years and one child.


My last boyfriend was "Christian". Our differing religious beliefs were never an issue. Our critically differing values were what broke us up.

The atheist couldn't tolerate the Christian's lack of compassion. True story.


There's mostly Christians here so if I want to date I pretty much have to date a Christian. I had one guy I dated tell me that he loves me but he loves God first. I told him it's sad because I loved him more than I love a god. Instead of being flattered by this he got really pissed off. I don't want to be second unless it's to someone's children of course. I understand children come first but that's the only time.

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