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QUESTION Joshua Feuerstein and #metoo

So, this guy’s a proper cunt.

Isn’t he supposed to be Christian? I thought it was the Muslims who covered up their women so that men wouldn’t lust after them? Why can’t his god give him the strength to resist temptation? Isn’t that in the Lord’s Prayer? “Lead me not into temptation..” and all?

IndySent 7 Jan 13

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I'm sorry, I've seen some of this puke's videos and I don't think I can stomach another one.


It seems that men are taught that if the little man gets stirred then you need to do something about it. Why do we not teach boys and therefore men that they need to control themselves? Just because the little man pokes his head up doesn't mean it needs to be gratified.


He doesn't strike me as someone who would be at all tempting to ladies. No doubt his need to 'flip the script' stems from his need to deflect from his own inadequacies and unattractive attributes.

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