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My 32-year old sister just found out that despite having a hysterectomy two years ago, her cervical cancer has returned and she has to have another (third) surgery. Amid all the Facebook messages of "Everything will be okay!" and "I'm praying for you," my mind can't help but think... what if it isn't? Then what do we say? How do you stay positive?

Deep down, my fears are probably selfish... a year after she found out she had cancer, I had some health issues of my own and a CT scan revealed that I had kidney cancer (since removed, along with the offending kidney)... while my MRI scans every six months assure me that it's gone, I never realized the tremendous emotional strain that having cancer would have on me every day of my life... now for my sister to have a recurrence (even though it's a whole different cancer!) scares the hell out of me... for both of us. 😟

I have found that I can't post about any of this even in the 'private' cancer support group that I joined on Facebook, because apparently God and prayer is the ONLY answer. I need an "Agnostic Cancer Survivors" support group!

end self pitying pointless post here

Jenelle 6 Jan 13

Enjoy being online again!

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It's hardly self-pitying or pointless to be concerned about you sister's health or your own given that you both have had potentially devastating illnesses. Likewise if you are just plain scared, because it appears you really understand that both of you live with an existential threat. My closest brush with such a fear was a defective heart valve that needed a surgical overhaul some years ago. I lost some cardiac capacity, but gained a more reliable heart in the process, so I came out pretty good in the end. I was definitely a little scared of getting sawed open and stitched back together, but knew I really had no other choice; no surgery and I would go into heart failure, which would be intolerable. So, I am thankful for where I am at, and that you are doing better, and I hope for the best for your sister. In an uncertain world, hope is a must.


You are supported! I have experience with having a daughter develop breast cancer. At the time it was a shock to the senses! Focus, on 'wholeness' but, grieve your is a kind of loss. Live each day with your full self, good, bad and indifferent! That way you will always win, regardless of cancer!


Did they leave her cervix? Mine was taken... The bright side here is that cancers in those areas tend to stay in those areas. This might not make you feel better, but it is good news as far as cancers go. I have had cancer... over and over. I have a small brain tumor still growing... I will likely not die from that one. But been there done that and I am still healing from my hysterectomy that I had this past September. Just be there for her. I know that when someone says they will pray for me I think "what a useless sack of shit thing to say..." Those who helped me with each illness, those who brought food, told me dirty jokes, read to me, knitted with me, those who were really there... those people mattered to me more than you can imagine.

Warm thoughts your way and let me know if she needs a chemo cap or anything of that nature. 🙂 Happy to do what little I might.


I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this. At the age of 29 I had full blown ovarian and uterine cancers. I have been on my own health journey for years.........

I hope that your journey is getting easier as time goes by! Last year I was hit with "you probably have ovarian cancer" and "you definitely have kidney cancer" on the same day after a CT scan, it was frightening but because my sister was going through cancer already, I downplayed it when I told my family (the ovarian issue ended up being endometriosis, not cancer!).


Dr Bryzynski in Houston is curing cancers with anteneoplaston therapy. ...I am so sorry I failed 30 years ago to prevent the polluters from causing cancers


I am sorry about your sister and whatever fears in your mind. 'Wish you all good luck and better health.


hmmm, you could have a good chat with a friend of mine, she keeps getting kicked off chat forums for transplant recipients. She was a day or 2 short of death when she received a life saving liver transplant 4 years ago. She gets terribly offended when people pray that an organ will be available soon, and say how wonderful it is that god made it happen, ie that someone else died and another family is mourning, and the one that really gets her goat is the "thank you god" stuff, not thanking modern medicine and hard working surgical teams, no they thank a figment of their imagination. As soon as she makes a comment, she gets hate messages and banned from the site.

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