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Dealing with the religious.

As an atheist I find it uncomfortable when I am with people who are “loud and proud” about their religious faith.

I especially find myself avoiding any mention of my own feelings about religion as I want to avoid confrontation with people who have abandoned reason (as I believe religious faith is an abandonment of reason).

How do others deal with the religious? Are you “loud and proud” or more reserved in Your approach?

WV-Mark 5 Aug 8

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It is very difficult. My longtime religious friend always tries to carefully bring his god into the subject. Maybe it is his way of preaching to me. He brings current world events into a picture he gets out of the book of Revelation, then he always wants to put them both together. To me it's sort of like talking about Trump and then you want to bring in Elmer Fudd or Bugs Bunny. That might work! Maybe I will try it.


I know I am about as unconventional as it gets when it comes to how I live my life. I tend to not speak about my lack of convention unless directly asked and even then I try to phrase it so as to not sound like an ass, usually with little success.
Much of the how the world is doesn't make sense to me. Actually maybe more like I can make sense of it I just can't figure out why that is where the "norm" chooses to live/be and why most go along with it.


Politics and religion are generally topics I try to avoid. Though there have been times when real honesty in discussing either subject has lead to great relationships. Not often, but great relationships don't come around without understanding and honesty, very often. There are people I love, that don't agree with my beliefs, and I don't agree with theirs. It's not necessary to our relationship, to agree in our beliefs. I am only responsible for what I say and do, and I don't allow others to force themselves on me by what they say or do, nor I on them. And I'm rambling again.


Me I don't care what they think of me about not believeing I tell them I ain't irrational I don't believe in things that I can't prove exist if they can prove God exists without shadows of doupt I'll fallow there church and if they can bring God forth to explain why he doesn't show himself for melenia of years while mass murders, etc etc go on in today's society all in his name and if he can come up with valid reasons why I'll fallow there religion they can't even come up with a valid artifact of religious value to prove it's existence like the Ark of the Covenant (aka Indiana Jones has lol) or I know Chris Angle said magicians have been doing these tricks for over 2000 years ( gee who lived back then, who could he have been talking about 2000 years ago lol was his name Jose or Jesus?) Lol


You have to make them think! I find bigotry and religious fervor often go hand in hand so can be treated likewise. with "what religion were you when you were born? atheist would have to be the answer. "when did you decide to believe and what age ?" "was it your choice or were you told what to believe?" On the bigotry side.."When did you decide to be born white, black or fill in the appropriate color..As a contractor in the bible belt the more religious would ask what church I belonged to I would reply that I had no need for any church (with a smile of course) Then follow up with humor such as; "The last time I went to church..... my dog died, my hair was a different color, etc, etc. We have to let them know we are just like them but believe in one less god. Confrontation just reinforces their pre-conceived beliefs.


I usually ignore the loud and proud. I do not like to argue over nonsense and I do not proselyze atheism.


I an reserved by nature, but am becoming more loud and proud as I get older about atheism.


They have the right to speak their mind so I don't begrudge them, even if I roll my eyes.

I also have the right to speak my mind and will do so readily if someone opens that line of communication. However, I don't tend to talk about myself, in anything really, so I don't feel the need to discuss my beliefs unprompted.


I don't shout about my Athiesm, but I don't hide it either, I am more than happy to confront or challenge Preaching Thiests when they call to my door or stop me in the street.

If anyone seeks out an argument with me on the subject I am very happy to oblige, there is no point in hiding in the long grass. Theists are abandoning reason, we should not abandon the logical answer to that.


I keep to myself about my atheism, unless there are those “loud and proud” people. Then, I’ll use their own religion against them till the can no longer argue. There’s plenty of amunition in each religion to make them look foolish. And, sadly, most people aren’t as educated about their own religion as they think they are.

But again, if others stay quiet about their religion, I’ll stay quiet about my atheism.


No one should ever have to feel uncomfortable to be who they are. If I were with a group of Christians who felt it necessary to put on such a show about their faith, even as a Christian myself I would feel put off.

I hope this isn’t a situation you find yourself in often.

When I’m am with opinionated, self righteous people who find it necessary to comment on my choices, I use what my family has named “The Bean Dip Technique “. When someone is making a speech or confronting you about religion. Or asking you questions you don’t want to answer...”Oh..could you pass the bean dip?” Oh look...they’ve put out more bean dip....have you tried the bean dip?....

Works every time. ?

Lol that's funny, I do something similar. I usually show contempt or ask them if they believe in superman. Or I say I don't have imaginary friends anymore


I tend to ignore them too unless they are being openly racist or otherwise bigoted.

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