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Anyone out there married to a christian?

We both started out atheist. now my husband is a Christian and I don't really know how to deal with his religion. which I have openly mocked in the past before he told me he started believing.

Nofftastic 4 Aug 9

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I am married to a methodist. When we had children, my husband and I took them to my church, the catholic church. When the boys were no longer at home, I stopped going. My husband now goes to a Methodist Church and I do not attend any church. He does not know I am an agnostic and we do not discuss this. He is 80 and I do not want to crush his spirit. He is happy with Christianity and that is fine with me.


Religion wasn’t part of my marriage at all until four years ago. He found “jesus” and the name calling began...I was a devil worshiper, heathen, etc. It became more abusive and it all took place in front of our children. The fourteen years before that mess had been great. Needless to say, he’s been an ex for a while and my children and I are no longer treated like second class citizen for our beliefs.


This could be some real trouble for both of you. In 2005 I still considered myself Christian when I married my ex. She still claims to be a believer today but she got to a point of telling me that what I was saying to her when I de-converted sounded true. By 2012 I was fully atheist. There will never be any going back because gods are imaginary.

If you both keep anger out of the picture your husband and yourself can get along. It's a matter of whether you think your best life is here while you are alive OR someplace in the sky or another dimension when you are dead. It really is that simple. Once you have people crying and praying for you because they don't want you to burn in hell, or concern about the children in an "unequally yoked" marriage it might be too late. You can see at this point that the church and the preacher is controlling the entire situation. The both of you need to be in control of your own lives for the sake of your family. This means all 4 of you and maybe more if others are born.

My best advice is stay away from Evangelicals like Pentecostal or Baptist. They live in a world that was not real over 2000 years ago and it is also not real today. Try a Lutheran or maybe a UU church. Make sure the church you go to is not going to have people claiming "god spoke to them" and somebody running around showing their ass while others claim they have the holy ghost. None of that crap is in the bible but people want to take everything so personally. Live your life for now even if the whole family goes to church. Do not get suckered into being told this is a "training ground" and your life starts once you are dead.


Hi. My wife and I started out Christian. I'm going through a divorce. I am mo longer religious. It makes marriage hard when beliefs are different.

As an added note. You should have long talks with him as why he is and both of you create boundaries. Also talk about how you want to raise the kids. As long as you guys are on the same page it won't be a problem. I am extremely philosophical so I can't be around religion anymore.

@MrChange I hear you!

I never realized how saturated with evangelical Christianity my family is until I de-converted. It's maddening. They are still in denial.

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