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Are you Opimistic about the future of the Human Race?

We live in interesting but precarious times...

Perhaps we through our leaders could have done a lot more to protect our little blue dot in space from the ravages of Human nature.

The real question is will the next generation be enlightened enough to stop or even reverse the damage mankind has done up to now?

Hitchens 8 Aug 10

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Not lately, especially with cheeto in charge ruining the country and all the racist creeping out of their holes. But I have no children, by choice, thankfully. Maybe it’s selfish, but after I die it won’t bother me anymore lol

Well don't go too soon, stick around to see 45 become something like a bad sad will be wort it! Thank you.


Trump's the president. So my answer is no. Thanks to him ruining my country, I can't escape this perpetual state of nihilistic depression I'm in.

Believe it or not..this will pass..and one hopes that the Generation growing up today..even in the most conservative communities will remember this dreadful era...and learn from it!

@Hitchens I hope so, dude. I had a bipolar meltdown the other day when I read that 43% of republicans think Trump should have a right to censor or shut down media outlets he doesn't like. It's horrifying. And when you have mental health problems to begin with, reading these things makes it so much worse.


Look.. don't allow this kind of thing get you down.
That's just the kind of tactic they use to make us question our sanity...
That's the thing you see they don't give a shit about anything or anyone..just money power, guns and god...
They lie openly..they interfere with freedoms hard one..they pollute the water and ravage the land..they care not a jot for wildlife..unless it's to poison and shoot them..they betray their friends with trade wars..yet they befriend America's enemies..hanging out their own intelligence services..the list of bullshit is just endless....

But you need to keep your shit together..because these goons will not be in power forever..


Yes, and I'm equally optimistic about the future of nature. Humanity will constantly be at odds with itself over advancing technology, yet continue to produce amazing new developments and discoveries, like gene editing and particle accelerators. Meanwhile, nature will continue to develop its own fuck-yous like antibiotic resistant bacteria and dormant viruses that find refuge under ice shelves.

Yea..its like we are some sort of strange machine with a hammer in one hand..and a brush and pan in the other..destructively creating problems..then creating clever ways to clean up the mess. My brother was a Professor of Genetics in he is a director in a prominent genome commercial company in Boston..he tells me of interesting developments there..
I would be very concerned about our precarious situation with antibiotic resistant bacteria..even more so than viruses..never thought I would be thinking that one day....Thank you.


This question come up a lot, though it can be worded differently and with a different spin.
I generally shout at the screen "Nope - no hope!"
But the truth is, I do have hope, just not a lot of it.
I think there are very smart and enlightened people out there that have the foresight and ability to make the changes necessary for a happy and contented future for the human race.
Unfortunately, I also believe that there are far more unenlightened people with not enough sense to see the big picture and these are the masses who drive change (or the lack there of).
Hand-wavingly, the human race is it's own worst enemy.

I know it must come up in some form or other..yet still there is no harm in discussing it for those that haven't yet given an opinion..or were out marching the last time it came yes repition is tedious..still I do think the spin here is a valid one..since it counters that the next generation may have acquired enough world savvy through social media and turn the tide of shit..excuse my French.. we should reserve some hope for their future. ?

@Hitchens For Sure - no harm in bringing it up again.
I would have scrolled by if irked me to any degree.
I think the way this question was phrased, it got me to look at it from a different angle, hence my reply.
Funny , you mention that this generation may have acquired enough world savvy to turn the TIDE of shit. Valid point. Except this is the same generation that thought it was a good idea to East TIDE pods. So who knows where we're headed. 😉


Ironic that in the so-called "information-age" too many decisions are being made by people who value opinion over facts and who don't seem to care about anything outside of their own beliefs/existence... I'd like to think that cooler heads will prevail, and as a parent I want to think that my kids will be able to enjoy a better world, but mankind currently appears to be moving in the wrong direction and it actually frightens me... I remember when I first saw Idiocracy back in the 90's and the first 5 minutes scared the shit out of me... Now we're living it... :/

Me too.
It's the direction we have taken ..say since 9/11..
It's just roughly since that era that we have all lost our way with rampant capitalism..war..religious strife...
Trump is fanning the flames too..almost like he is taking advantage of some people's fears and others unbridled hate..
But there are other things in this era of alternative truth, that my girls are asking me about too, that I really can't explain without blushing..
I suppose we must do our best with the kids..they represent our only hope for getting things going in the right direction..
We must endeavour to they say.

@Hitchens Exactly... Although I'd like to be optimistic, the people who are running things now are the same peace/love generation that spawned the summer of love... So, despite the fact that many young people have great ideas and dreams, I fear that they'll be crushed in the grinder that is reality... I hold out hope, but I'm not confident. :/


I hope you are wrong..but deep down I am worried..not for myself of course...I would have liked to leave this life at least with the knowledge that I leaving it in a much better condition than I found it upon arriving..but sadly many of the basics have deteriorated ..even many animals have disappeared.. with more about to..difficult issues to explain to an 8 and 11 year old. ?☹

@Hitchens sad but true.


Always optimistic about our species and all species. We will continue to firstly fight for survival, and then find a way to be happy. All this junk we hear is just here and now. Hell we once did not even have language, WE once did not even have fire. We will survive but it may not be what you want, however it will be what mother nature delivers to us. We make it, break it and then reinstate it.

EMC2 Level 8 Aug 10, 2018

That's an optimistic fire in the belly outlook..maybe we will survive everything nature throws at us..but there is always the nuclear threat...we must be vigilant...


I am 100% positive that the human race will continue to exist, but it will look different than it does now.

I can't tell you how it will be different without a lot more data, but we'll still be around. The earth may be more fucked up but we are a species that survives and thrives, there is no reason to think that the future of our species will be different. Many things that we thought 50 years ago were irreversible we've found ways to reverse. Innovation has not slowed and although many people think we'll destroy the earth, I'm betting we'll make it pretty fucked up and then fix that too.

Optimism and pessimism are wastes of time, who cares how full the glass is if you're heading over with a full pitcher?

I get what you are saying..that human's innate adaptability, tenacity, and sheer will to survive will carry us through all but the most cataclysmic of planetary disasters..and maybe even some of them..right?


Pessimistic but ok. Thank you Drsmash. ?


On the one hand:

The biosphere and human society are complex systems, and complex systems tend to be remarkably resilient, self-healing and durable.

We are wired by natural selection to find it far easier to perceive existential threats that aren't really that severe, and to pretty much not even notice positive developments.

There are lenses through which to see the data that tell us that death from war and disease are at an all-time low, that extreme, grinding poverty is at an all time low, and so forth.

On the other hand:

We are beating the crap out of the biosphere and the institutions that preserve civil society. To the point of reaching some serious tipping-points.

As Trumpism and similar phenomena elsewhere in the world demonstrate, way too many people are so deeply in thrall to delusional, irrational thinking and immortality projects that you can readily game out some pretty dystopian outcomes.

In theory, life, including intelligent life, should be plentiful in the universe and there's no evidence of it. This may well be because there are certain evolutionary "brick walls" that many species encounter and never get past. One of which may well be the acquisition of technology before having the self-control to use it wisely. This may be us, right now, in this moment.

So ... "am I optimistic" is a question that gets answered differently on different days. I think that religion is inherently doomed over the long run, but may bring us down in its death throes. I don't know how it's going to turn out. Close call and whew, glad it missed us? Dystopian detour but ultimately works out? We manage to drive ourselves extinct after all? I really don't pretend to know.

Selfishly, whatever happens isn't likely to fully manifest in the 10 to 30 years I probably have left, particularly since I'm not racially or culturally or economically very vulnerable. I'm using the time I have left to argue for critical thinking, empathy, and compassion, and try to demonstrate it as best I can. Seems like the best contribution I can still make.

Wow Mordant..truely comprehensive and first class response..a few thousand more well infofmed human beings like you and we could get things done..cheers.


Nope. I hope Hawking was right and they are extinct within the next 100 years.

I know I will be...

But we are a warlike and greedy bunch arn't we?...
Who knows..what it will be warming..virus..asteroid...


Nope. I think we're fucked. It's just a matter of time. We've done this to
ourselves. We are the architects of our own demise.
Or an asteroid.
Whichever comes first.

Asteroid might be cleaner...?☹

@Hitchens Much faster, and less painful, too.


Couldn't be any worse than stubbing your toe..or stepping on A piece of Lego?


I hope not...

Hope is a fine good praying..?

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