79 6

Do you use religious terms sprinkled throughout our language?

In the past, people confronted me with the supposition that if I use expressions which use religious references, I am not agnostic. I disagree, and wrote a FB post about it at the time.

Which of these expressions do you hesitate to use, assuming they fit your dialect? Which do you use by accident?

Bless you, after a sneeze
Bless you, to indicate good will
Jesus Christ, as an expression of frustration
Jesus fucking Christ, if you swear in other circumstances
God damn you
Go to Hell
God knows, as in no one knows
Heaven on earth, or seventh heaven
Heavens, as an expression of surprise
Thank God, as an expression of relief
Oh my God, as expression of surprise

Are there any other phrases in the dialect you share, which you avoid or try to avoid?

LionMousePudding 6 Aug 10

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I worked Construction in NYC for 25 years and can never remember hearing one. We cursed forever and frequently but never was the word ingrained into the sentiment.


It's hard nto to use them. They are a part of everyday vernacular and generally understood. I avoid it when i can, but it is so embedded into our language it is unavoidable to not use them completely.


i would use all and still no the god myth is just that anyone trying to tie me into some sort of belief would lose that argument


Especially when I'm on the golf course.........

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