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LINK American Workers Just Got a Pay Cut in Economy Trump Calls GreatAmerican Workers Just Got a Pay Cut in Economy Trump Calls GreatAmerican Workers Just Got a Pay Cut in Economy Trump Calls Great

The economy might be booming, but what's trickling down sure ain't money....wages are NOT rising for most workers, largely due to a lack of bargaining power. (Anyone remember UNIONS?) Sigh....

BookDeath 8 Aug 11

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and some of them are to dumb to realize iot and still support him.


I have always thought that that trickle down/supply side economics thing that has been in place for as long as it has maybe one of if not the biggest fraud peddled in history.


No one has anything to sell except their time, muscle or brain power, and expertise. This applies to doctors as well as cotton mill workers!
But if not Unionized, the People will be crushed one by one. Read even a little of what workers' lives were like before Unions! And think about what would have changed without Unions (hint: nothing)

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