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QUESTION Five Reasons FEMA Shouldn’t Rebuild Churches | HuffPost

  1. Special rights for religion inherently discriminate against the nonreligious. Even though a number of secular facilities like political, athletic, recreational, vocational, and secular nonprofit facilities remain closed to disaster relief, FEMA has seen fit to make a special exception for churches. Whereas the other facilities are open to everyone, pay taxes on their income and property, and report their finances annually to the government so that they are open for review, churches can exclude people, pay no taxes, and keep their finances a secret. So when they take government funds for rebuilding we can’t even verify that those funds weren’t redirected to public proselytizing.
zblaze 7 Jan 15

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Those miserable leeches can pay out of their own pocket, it's not like the church is short on money being a multi-billion dollar racket and all.


Why hasn't this story gotten on national news? trump is doing more damage to this country's freedoms. What can we do to get this out there?


Thanks for the link. I didn't know about this! I really had never though about what happened to churches in a natural disaster...

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