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Where do you think President Donald Trump stands on religion?

Since there is no hell, etc., where do you think Donald Trump will end up at the end of his Presidency or life?

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AirForceRN1 7 Jan 15

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That's easy ! Trump, in his mind, is God. All malignant narcissists believe this to a certain degree. I foresee him living a long, long life just like Charles Manson. The wicked never die young. I guess that's where the saying only the good die young came from.


I don't think he has any religion apart from his own self-worship. Ordinarily I'd say a lack of religious belief is a good thing, but for him I think it allows his narcissism to run rampant, entirely unchecked.


Trump is as fake about his religion, as he is about anything else. Except his greed. That I believe is 100% true.


stands with tv evangelists and sticks that lower lip out. I'd like to hear a Trump praying for all those around him that have done him wrong. praying that they pay.


Trump is the Right-Wing Evangelical Christians' Lord and Savior. He made me even a more stronger atheist as ever! Lee Scott AirForceNurse1 and [] in Fresno, California wishing you all a great day!

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