Having studied animal linguistics I have wonder can certain animals have what we would identify as a religious idea. I asked a Catholic religious teacher if an animal, like the now passed Koko, asked about God, Christian type, would the animal be "saved." I was told absolutely not, even though in Catholicism animals have souls, they just can't go to heaven. So far all I have read about Koko is the little she would "speak" about death. She always, at least those quotes published, said that death is darkness, simply darkness.
Some animal species or groups have rituals that seem to have no practical meaning. Could they be religious, or at least spiritual? How can we know? To my cynical mind at least, modern humans have religion for 2 main reasons--to assuage the fear of death, & to control behavior. In some "primitive" societies, religious rituals seemed to be aimed at attempting to control nature--bribing the gods for good weather, good harvests, successful hunting or the like. Some of those things might be a major concern for some species....
I have read that
Good or bad, an advanced language gives those who use it a vehicle for conveying excuses, as much as explanations.
I think animals have a great deal more going on than we give them credit for. The fact that she communicated her thoughts about death speaks for itself. Oh, and personally, if I were Catholic, I’d be pissed that my former pets wouldn’t be waiting for me in heaven.
Yeah it is so weird in the Catholic church. They even have a day each year where animals are brought in to be blessed at a number of churches. Glad the PA grand jury finally busted on the church. The state government is proposing an odd law, eliminating statue of limitations on child abuse, for only one year.
I so agree! People don't believe that my fish recognize me as the person who feeds them. They don't beg to anyone else.
@Carin I am sure they know you. You may even be a god to them. I read a study on rattlesnakes and their hidden behavior below ground when they congregate to winter over. They are born live and appear to recognize their siblings and little incest occurs. And, when together in their large groups, some have "friends" which are snakes they prefer to lie beside, usually their on sex, so not a breeding thing.
@Beowulfsfriend Snakes have friends! I LOVE that!