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Are handmade items a dying art?

Today I took this selfie in a dress I made. Does anyone else enjoy sewing and making things by hand?

"Sewing is a dying art," people say. I find this hard to believe.

To keep us out of trouble, the mother of my best friend, Jami, taught us girls to sew the summer before we started 7th grade. Jami and I loved sewing.

We both sewed our clothes in junior and senior high.

Later, I made clothes and Halloween costumes for my daughter, Claire, and her dolls. Since it always snows on Halloween, I had to make her costumes warm.

Claire was a gypsy for Halloween at age 6-1/2. Here I'm working on her costume. Every five minutes, I gave her wiggle breaks.

Unfortunately, Claire couldn't go trick-or-treating because she had the flu. Hence the pouting photo.

"Mama, I love falling asleep to the sound of your sewing machine," Claire said.

LiterateHiker 9 Aug 14

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Gotta get your 3D printer.

godef Level 7 Aug 14, 2018

I regret not learning how to sew, crochet and knit. Also, I wish I knew how to can and preserve things in jars with wax on the top.

You still can...I learned to make homemade cheese three years ago...and jelly with wax on top!

How wonderful. I tell myself when I retire, I'll have more time to devote to these things. I am almost 72, however, and have not retired yet.

@Freeofcancer I wanted to learn things my grandparents did...some I will never keep up with, but I just wanted the experience...I can make bread and candles, too...learning is a life long thing...hope you find time to do things you want!


Love your username. Glad you are free of cancer1

Canning is easy. Just get a copy of The Joy of Cooking. That's how I learned.

I preserve Cranberry-Apple Chutney in glass jars, and give it to friends for Thanksgiving dinner.


I made almost all the kids halloween costumes and play clothes when they were small. I have knitted, embroidered, counted cross stich and I attempted tatting but never really developed the passion. My daughter on the other hand knits, crochets, and embroiders great mounds of beautiful and useful things. She has always enjoyed decorative crafts.


I used to sew. When my eyes got too bad to continue, I gave my sewing machine to my nephew's wife, and she learned how to sew.
We worked together on a few projects, and she sews when she has time.

I used to knit, too. Arthritis doesn't allow for that anymore.

There are a lot of times that I really miss doing both.


I love making my own clothes, altering them to fit my body.

In the selfie I took today, I cut the dress so it skims my body.

Men say it looks sexy. I think it's a bit too tight. The jury is out.


I think there are still plenty of craftspeople around at this time. If you are fortunate enough to have crafts fairs in your area, whether regularly, or just occasionally, you can still see handmade goods in those venues. But it does seem that most of the artists are older. I would be crafting wood products if I had the equipment and place to do it. That was a dream I had for retirement, but it all changed.


Not for me. I have a shop full of tools and friends I can call upon for anything I can't do. I build my own guitars, do my own house repairs, make gifts, brew my own beer, make mead from my bee's honey, etc. I wish more people would do the same instead of relying on a single use and other items intended to be discarded and replaced with other throwaway goods.


A Renaissance man. Good for you. I'm envious.

@ProudMary I do. I have made 3 so far. I am building a tenor ukulele now. I hope to be done with it before the end of September. Then I can start on a new project. Maybe a mandolin.


My great-grandmother made handmade quilts until she turned 90. Her quilts were beautiful.

She lived to 106.


I don't know about sewing, but I get a lot of 'Seriously, where did you get it?' And looks of disbelief when asked about my woven yarn hats. A woman asked me about my particular favorite one and a look of satisfaction crossed her face as she said 'Wait til I tell my husband!'


Eh, ...--- This should probably be in the flirting group but, I wish we lived closer to each other, real close.

good, I'm not in trouble


I love to sew. Personally, I believe that everyone should at least be able to make simple clothing repairs. Because of that, my daughter is an wonderful seamstress. My youngest son knows enough to run a sewing machine to repair his own clothes and hem his jeans.

My older sister on the other hand can't even sew on a button. I've offered to teach her but she refuses claiming she can't see well enough to thread a needle. I did mention to her that they make self threading needles; she still refuses to learn.

They do??? I was sewing buttons a couple months ago and getting the thead through the eye was pure luck!

@BlueWave Here is a link to self threading needles: []


I have a sewing machine and I try to make things with it, but I find patterns terribly hard to follow. I've not given up though. On the other end, I hand stitched an entire Queen-sized quilt. It took forever (read: years), but it's beautiful.

My grandmother used to make quilts. They are works of art.


Wonderful! I'm impressed that you sewed a quilt by hand.

My plans was to make a quilt for my daughter when she went to college. Claire was such a pill as a teenager, she didn't deserve a quilt.

Honestly, I don't have the personality to sit sewing endless small pieces together. Would long to commit Hari Kari using sewing shears while kneeling on an unfinished quilt.

So,I downshifted to a crib quilt when Claire and Matt have a baby. Will use fabric scraps from clothes I made Claire as a child. Like me, Claire is sentimental.


I love the dress but as for me there's always super glue.

@Bendog What the hell are you doing with a monkey on your ceiling and who cleans up the mess?

@Bendog where does one get this Formula 99? I know of a few monkeys that need to be decommissioned.

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