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Why is trump attacking science?

Trump is canceling regulations that protect workers and the general public to support big corporations and businesses.These regulations concern the clean air, clean water and restricting toxins and poisons from them.His administration is censoring scientific evidence that would support these past regulations.Political conservatives confuse religion with science and as a result a large percentage of them distrust science.

Marine 8 Aug 15

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Honestly I don't think it is not so much an attack as him wanting to have the appearance of doing something. He is entitled and thinks anything that stops the rich from making money is bad. He has only gotten a handful of new legislation though and it is all detrimental to our country. Like the tax bill for the "middle class". Also he doesn't understand it.




Science compels people to think critically. The Trump regime doesn't want people who think, they want morons who wave flags and wear MAGA hats. Science is also inconvenient to his goals of an authoritarian corporatocracy and wholesale deregulation so just get rid of it. His base won't miss it or even complain..


Trump is doing what his supporters want him to do, and they love him for it.


This is exactly my point. If you do this you are putting poison in the air, water and food. That is my air, water and food. I consider this an assault upon my person. The fact that he is so stupid, he doesn't grasp he is poisoning himself doesn't matter to me. As a rule, about 40 % of republicans don't believe in evolution. Facts and or truth is inconvenient, so truth becomes fake news. Problem is sparky, no amount of belief or yelling of fake news will turn truth into untruth. And of course a big part of this is money. Corporations make more money, the less regulations. Aspartame, a neurotoxin was allowed on the market by reagan under pressure from another donald, the donald rumsfeld, ho was ceo of the company that made it. Surprise! Surprise!. Aspartame is in thousands of products and has made zillions for the maker.


One day this will happen:
@remainingbees, @earthatmosphere, and @watersupply will send out a tweet...
“Fuck ALL ya’ll”.

And we will be fucked, soon, at the rate 45 is wreaking destruction on the environment. Maybe I’m overly pessimistic...but I don’t think so.


You're just noticing this? It's because the US is an Oligarchy..putting mega corporate profits ahead of people and safety.
This was true even under the Dems, but the GOP have thrown off all restraints.


This is not new news, the big corporate and wealthy backed gop have wanted to gut all environmental, consumer, worker and general public protections for many years. trump is their man and russia's. They use the religious hook and ignorance to their best advantage. It's just sad how many are going along with this take down of democracy.


If there's an idiot thing out there possible, he will find a way to do it that's why.
He's the poster child for moron!

I do believe he would have to go back to school, apply himself, study hard, and maybe, just maybe he could elevate himself to the level of moron.


Because those he’s cultivated are small-minded antisocial scum incapable of experiencing the joy of life & learning.

Varn Level 8 Aug 15, 2018

Because he doesn't understand science.


Truth is enemy of tyranny., Science shines a light through the fog of ignorance. Ever notice how the cockroaches scatter when the light comes on?


There has been a concerted effort by big corporations to sow distrust in scientific institutions and science as a whole. This is more about money and religion willingly plays it's part.

Dietl Level 7 Aug 15, 2018

$. he says we're getting a raw deal and he's going to renegotiate with the Milky Way.


The republicans reliance on religion makes accepting science difficult at best and leads to confusion often and rejection.Where religion is based upon faith and blind acceptance science depends upon facts that can be duplicated. Where we constantly challenge science and modify it according to new facts becoming available the conservative finds this to be a weakness and a reason to not accept science as relative.

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