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phxbillcee 10 Jan 15

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Trump isn't a racist because he said Haiti, El Salvadore and African countries are shithole countries.
He's a racist for saying “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?"... “Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out.” Also all of the other things he's said and done over the years. lots of nice countries in Africa btw but he wouldn't know that. He doesn't care cause he's a white supremacist.
I wish his supporters had the balls to admit they liked him because he's a racist.


Is he a shithole? Of course he is! Love Seth Myers since Weekend Update on SNL.


Are you aware that many from Latin America use the same remarks to refer to the people from neighbor countries?

No, can you provide some proof of your statement? And are these people who say such things, are they in positions of leadership, like a head of state? And does this make it okay if someone else says it?

Usually are the inhabitants...who don't care for their neighbors; you need to be there to hear, for instance: "Why these s...y XXXX come to our country; we don't like them Chose a country in LA and you will hear exactly what I just told me....many times over. No, it doesn't make it OK....but it happens.

@Hope4Zoe P4roofr? My ears, dear, my ears....

@DUCHESSA I've never heard anyone but some Americans disparage other places, in all my travels and of all the places I've lived. Well, except Canadians, they think America is a dangerous and unsafe country populated with bigots, homophobes, racists, and too many guns and no universal healthcare. Those Canadians. If it wasn't for Florida, I doubt they would visit much.

@Hope4Zoe Do you speak Spanish? Have you been to Latin America? Do you know the colloquial expressions? To say "That CABEZA should go back to his country." is a pretty strong insult....but, then, you don't know the meaningthat is given to the noun :"cabeza".

@Hope4Zoe trust nme...."s...le" is mild compared to what I am telling you.....and the insults, usually, are said to the person's face.

@DUCHESSA Here's something a tad worse than being called "Cabeza."

@Hope4Zoe As I said; you don't have the foggiest idea of the meaning given to the word "cabeza"....which is far away from "head". Is pointless to debate this issue with you.


How does thinking a country is a shithole make someone racist? The hatchet job they are attempting on this man is sad and frankly I'm glad he's always the one to get the last laugh...

He didn't say the countries were shitholes. He said we don't need people from shithole countries. We don't need any more Haitians. What is wrong with people from Haiti, exactly? Is it cause they're black?


Trump is in the shithouse for turning the USA into a shithole country...

I don't see how deporting illegals, for instance, is turning USA into a s....hole.


I love Seth Meyers. This edition of "A Closer Look" did not disappoint. 🙂

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