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If You Could Do Election 2016 Again

Knowing what you know now (whats-his-face and all). Would you make changes to your vote. To whom?

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LilAtheistLady 7 Aug 18

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I'd like no Russian influence ...


I caucused for Bernie and would have loved it had he been the candidate. However, since it ended up being Hillary, that is who I voted for.


All votes count. None are "wasted".
The only wasted vote is the one not used because some motherf***er was too lazy to get off the couch and go vote.

What if both people to vote for suck equally? I don't see the logic in voting for the lesser evil either.

@Tejas Then vote for a third party. Are you telling me that you couldn't come up with even a write in candidate to "vote your conscience"?


I was a Bernie or bust the second he said he was running. And I will be until something better comes along.


Even though I loved Bernie's plans for a democratic socialism system, I knew that too many of us are too brainwashed by that ''socialist'' word and he never could have won. Hillary would be a thousand times better than this asswipe...but, thanks to Russia....she was robbed.

@Secular_Squirrel No offense...but isn't it time to stop trashing Hillary and plan for the future?


I didn't vote but if i would have it would have gone to Bernie.

Tejas Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

Will you ever abstain from voting again? I certainly hope not!

@LucyLoohoo If the nominees suck, I sure will.

@Tejas No nominee will get your approval 100%, maybe Waaay less than that...unless you run?
But Not Voting is not a protest, it is a vote for somebody...either the status quo or worse!
Please express yourself one way or the other...the non-voters in 2016 got us drumpy & cronies!

@AnneWimsey I'd argue the voters got us where we are. I don't need to be 100% behind a nominee but I need the nominee to be behind me and the people voting for them. The only respectable people last election were Bernie Stein and Johnson, and they were pushed out by two HORRIBLE candidates.( Crazy orange bad business man Trump)and( Typical corrupt politician Hillary) Not voting for either of them is not "protesting", its a decision of conscience.

@Tejas. Sorry, but non-voters got us saddled with the orange ifpdiot. I doubt Hillary would have attempted to so blatantly turn us into the mess we have right now, plus Supreme Court picks upcoming

@AnneWimsey Couldn't agree more! Think of it as a kind of'll never find the perfect match...but then, NOBODY is perfect!

@AnneWimsey I blame Hillary for our Orange POTUS, if she were to step down and let an actual progressive run then maybe we would have had a shot. People see Hillary for who she is and she should have realized that before handing the election over on a silver platter.


Stein is a vapid, vacant, insipid pinhead. And that's her best quality.


We were played, momentum was lost ..and those not having paid very close attention continued to assume ‘it couldn’t happen.’

Varn Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

If I was a citizen at the time, I would have voted for Hilary.


I know that numerous people will begrudge me for saying this , but even if I had known how it would end , I still would have voted for Stein . I did the math , and have found that even if all of us Stein voters would have given our votes to Clinton instead it still would not have made a difference . Not only that , but if Johnson voters would have cast their votes for Trump , he would have won the popular vote in addition to the electoral college . And right or wrong , at least I can honestly say that I voted my conscience . So come what may , I can still live with myself .

You have a right to vote how you wish.

@JustKip fact is this, people who "voted their conscience", are very much appreciated by trump. He thinks those voters were really bigly great.

Your Johnson comment is not accurate but I can appreciate your standing buy your conscience. He garnered 1.3 million votes, not enough to give trumski the popular vote he so desperately desires.

@JustKip true, the "tons" had no conscience at all.

@JustKip gee, I think you are right, I haven't seen any signs of "the predatory medical industries" since the election........!?!????????!


Definitely would have voted Hillary again. Would have protested vs Trump.

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