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I love debates and intellectual muscle-flexing on forums such as this where the other participants are willing and able to interact in kind. It's a pleasure for me to be challenged on a subject, as it puts me in a position where I must rigorously defend my thinking, and in cases where I can't do so reasonably, I must accept someone else's superior point over mine. I have never more enjoyed "being wrong" than in these instances, and it teaches me a great deal about my own shortcomings of thought.

One thing I have seen from a number of people who identify as agnostic or atheist is a compelling urge to assert intellectual superiority over believers. While I don't think it's unreasonable to believe one's own position on a subject is intellectually superior, I do have to question the inner esteem and self-confidence of those who attempt to assert this openly in public forums or similar venues, especially when it's confrontational in nature. As Marcus Aurelius points out in his excellent "Meditations" work:
"Let it be your constant method to look into the design of people's actions, and see what they would be at, as often as it is practicable; and to make this custom the more significant, practice it first upon yourself."

Just as desperate believers tend to cling to moral superiority when they argue with non-believers, I think many of us cling to a sense of intellectual superiority...and often do not actually possess it.

Sometimes we lack the necessary humility that can keep us grounded as good & just individuals on this crazy planet, despite our intelligence. I tend to think that's unhealthy and furthermore unrepresentative of our actual intellectual capacity.
Thoughts welcomed.

Shawno1972 7 Jan 17

Enjoy being online again!

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If someone is intellectually superior, then they should be able to recognize how ignorant they are. Ignorant people are ignorant of their ignorance.
So yes I do feel somewhat intellectually superior to theist. The result is that I am much more humbled by my ignorance.

That's a very strange and twisty reply, to be honest with you. I hope you don't use this sense of intellectual superiority as justification to belittle others.

@Shawno1972 My intent was that if one is intellectually superior, then one has much more responsibility to others than one who is not as intelligent. So an intellectually superior person should not go about flaunting it but rather be modest about it and use put that intelligence to good use actually helping others. Yes a bit twisty.

@DavidLaDeau Ok I get you now. Apologies for the misread.


It's hard not to feel smarter than somebody that believes all the ridiculous bullshit in the bible. We shouldn't act that way, you are right about that.

@irascible Pointing it out is one thing...but do you make a conscious effort not to offend or insult, in the process? That's really at the heart of the matter, to me.

Being it and showing it are two different things.


I'm a total moron. I came to sponge off of everyone else's smarts. shifty eyes

Something tells me your shifty eyes aren't quite that stinky. 😉


religion is a very dangerous thing if you look at history. it is moral superiority just like I feel about rapists or child molesters. there dangerous. if they kept themselves to themselves and prayed at home I really wouldn't care. I like an attractive woman but I don't rape them. I don't knock on their doors trying to make them none believers. I don't go to holiday camps with machine guns shooting infidels and I don't want to marry a 6-year-old girl. I don't want a woman to have their genitals abused or want to saw anyone's head off. I have good morals and values and help a charity for animals in war-torn Yemen zoo


Sometimes it hard to know how far to go in standing behind what you believe in and being overbearing. At times it has to be pointed out to us and at times we may just word a comment poorly. Unless things are really overboard I try to just go to another post.

gearl Level 8 Jan 17, 2018

I love debating for the same reason... if I can't adequately defend my beliefs, then I'm believing things for the wrong reason. To be honest, I don't approach a debate thinking I'm intellectually superior; I've been surprised enough times to know I don't know everything! I will say that debating with anyone who has confirmation bias does give us an advantage.

Indeed, you seem like one of the more reasonable fellows 'round these parts, with a fantastic grasp of debate technique, e.g. the spotting of logical fallacy.


I need to be reminded of things like that. I have put a lot of work into getting my ego out of the way, and continue to guard against it cropping up. Help along those lines is always appreciated.

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