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Have you ever been in a newspaper story?

In last Sunday's Wenatchee World newspaper, there was an article about the high school College Mentor Program.

The article featured me and used this photo! Last June, I took three students I previously mentored for a hike on Icicle Gorge trail.

Since 2006, I have been a volunteer college mentor, helping first generation, low income students write essays for college and scholarship applications. It thrills me to send kids to college.

I teach students writing and organizational skills, and the importance of doing work before the deadline.

LiterateHiker 9 Aug 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes. My son and I were interviewed after the start of Bush II Iraqi war, when we painted a sheet with peace sign and No War. Got egged. Misquoted, on purpose, by the larger county paper. Wouldn't talk to them again. Got interviewed by a smaller town paper and the larger paper paid to reprint that one, too.


With Citizens for Peace, we stood holding anti-war and peace signs at a busy intersection, during the lead up to the Iraq War.

"Fu-king traitors!" guys in trucks yelled, throwing beer cans and bottles at us.

@LiterateHiker i know. Now most of those idiots agree with what you were saying. I got more press by being a vet against the War, a stupid war.


Sounds much like my Clemente Project where we mentor people of any age to ready themselves for collegiate performance. ....Greek classic comedy&tragedy is easier than Shakespeare


Not bragging here, but in the late seventies I was featured on a CBS network show called "The Body Human". Shockingly, I qualified. That got me into several local and regional newspapers. Despite all that publicity, nobody ever showed up to sign me to a movie contract and my dreams of taking the Paul Newman role in the "Exodus" remake were shattered. My wife at the time (Long gone) said I should expect more like Alfred E Newman roles. I settled for Randy Newman and dabbled in song writing, but without much talent. Phyllis Newman was never really an option.


I wrote an Op-Ed to the college paper against the idea of invading Iraq prior to us going in. Disabled vet, 6 yrs in the Marine Corps, so not like I'm a liberal or anti-military, just my time in Somalia woke me up to what war was about...and that wasn't even a war! Of course post 9-11, you couldn't reason or argue with people...even on a college campus, the need to deepen the Bush family oil pockets was just too important - oh...and and getting rid of Saddam who masterminded the 9-11 attack with his WMDs, yea, yea...that too. The war fever was like a religion at that time...and unfortunately not much has changed.


Many times. Radio and tv interviews too. Now adays i do little that is noticable


I've been in the Houston chronicle several times

Hope you are a famous healed artist soon


I was in a few newspapers for high school baseball. Still have them here somewhere.


When I was 15 I was third in a three state 440 yard dash. I was in the paper for the placing but mostly because I was only 5'6" and all my competitors were 5'10 and over.


I was on TV once. I was in a parade that was converted by the news that evening.


September 1969, I was in the Telegraph newspaper of St.Johns nfld, because I was the first Inuk to graduate from Stationery engineering class 4.


More times than I can remember. Mainly for activism though in my younger years for more anarchic activety. My first ever headline. "Mad axe attack on police by drugged crazed hells angel." Never been a hells angel, it wasn't an axe and I had just seen the cops stomp over my 18 month old son. What would you do?? One thing I have noted in every article I have ever been in, or interview I've given always stray far from the truth. Sometimes out of lazy reporting and often to sensationalise, and now and then from reporter bias. I have also produced many news sheets and in later times, online news items but keeping as close to fact as possible.


30 years in police work, my photo and name have been in the papers numerous times.




I was featured in a couple of them as a kid because of a rare birth defect. Looking back and reading them now, I actually find them to be rather offensive.


I was my sophomore year of high school. I placed third in the state on a Latin Derivatives exam.
I'm pretty sure I was in the paper when I was in an MVA the day before my 18th birthday. I was ejected from the car.
My birth announcement.
That's all I can think of.


My ex wife and I, along with our twins was featured in a medical cannabis article. In addition we were interviewed several time by various tv station for the same reason.


Lots of times local, national and international. I specialize in sexuality and aging and there aren’t many of us in the field. It lost its novelty when I realized how much time interviews took away from paid work.

UUNJ Level 8 Aug 21, 2018

I was written about while I was at the World trade Center Clean-up. Front page and they got my name right, a first. Made it several times when i was chairman of the chamber of commerce! It really only matters to Mom and Dad and maybe a few of your friends.

BillF Level 7 Aug 21, 2018

No that I know... but I was the lone witness of an incident outside a San Juan Disco Club. An argument between a female reporter and a former Governor of Puerto Rico that was that night with his mistress in the club. Because I was under the effect of mescaline or LSD, I deposited not much stock in the memory but did told a couple friends next day. 2 days later was in the newspapers and the TV news. I will never forget because I almost got hit by his limmo when his bodyguards wisked him out of the situation. The governor's phrase most remembered on my mind "you can take a picture of me kissing the american flag while you kiss my ass". Was exactly quoted in the story. CIRCA 1978. No youtube, no selfie, no video, just that deluded, vivid memory for me to take to the grave. And all my friends cared about was the mistress... a beautiful and famous PR singer and their Secret was Safe with me.


yeah but thankfully all the leads led nowhere


I was in a local Omaha television segment about coworking a few years ago.

Ohub Level 7 Aug 21, 2018

I was "Little Miss (insert small town name here)" when I was 5. I made the front page, photo and all!


I was also mentioned long ago in the afternoon newspaper (long defunct) for winning the city racquetball championship and featured in a high school football spread.


I got front page once. Just my name... not flattering let’s say...


Does the police blotter count? 🙂

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