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A thought occurred... am wondering how many atheists/agnostics are “in the closet”, and/or accept their anti-theist life style, but just don’t feel the need or don’t care to share their status.
Being liberal politically, living a semi-conservative life style, I wasn’t outspoken about my atheism until 4/5 years ago, somebody pissed me off with some “ holier than thou” attitude.
Still didn’t find it necessary to be outspoken, I’m comfortable with myself, just don’t brag about it.
I believe their is significant prejudice in businessm and industry, an of course politics.
I read, as many as 16/18 % of US is either atheist or agnostic, with Northern European countries at a much higher percentage.

Guess we’re a minority.

Tomas 7 Jan 17

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I think the more of us that are open about our atheism, the harder it'll be for others to penalize us for our lack of belief. I believe in "the fight". I believe in active defiance of the status quo.


I do not hide it if some ask. They do treat me different only because they equata being a non believer with being evil.


I am currently, for the most part, in the closet about my atheism. There are a few friends and family members who know but I haven't announced it publically yet. It's all very new and it's compared to 18 years of religious fundamentalism - meaning, IDK if I'm really an atheist or a very depressed and dissolutioned Christian. Like, I don't believe in the supernatural right now but I have to get my neurochemistry sorted before I can make an objective observation about myself. In the meantime, there's no need to upset EVERYONE I KNOW by saying I don't believe in their coping mechanisms anymore.

I just have this anxiety that it's going to be a big deal. When I began keeping the biblical dietary law 12 years ago, people freaked. I can only imagine what they're going to do and say when I tell them I don't believe in God anymore.

I'm not emotionally strong enough at the moment to debate or defend my beliefs so I'm not bringing them up to people if I don't know that I can trust them to accept me regardless.

I also suspect there would be some prejudice against me professionally if I'm out. I already had to tell one potential employer I'm in the LGBTQIA+ community bc he kept talking about past church activities on my resume (nursery work and old volunteer work) and I didn't get the job. Of course, I wouldn't want to work in that environment but, at the same time, I can't be too picky about jobs because I need to get paid.

My point in all that rambling was this: It's not time for me to come out about my atheism yet. I'm sure the time is coming - I always come out eventually and take a stand for my beliefs - but for now I need to stay in the closet until I figure some stuff out.


or in danger, if they do?

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