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Looking forward to chatting with like minded folks. I have tried a few sites on the inner webs. I live in the bable belt and find I can't say what I don't believe. Trying to date someone is pretty much a fruitless venture. If I can't connect on an intellectual level and have to suppress what I think there is no point. I hear all the time "anything is possible" to which I say if anything is possible then "nothing is possible" would logically be an option. Intellectual honesty seems to be drowned in cognitive dissonances of indoctrination of young minds at the hands of parents and never questioned. Critical thinking is not an option for confirmation biases delude most minds. Anyways howdy Y'all.

DaneScott 5 Jan 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I feel your pain. I'm in a really bassakwards part of the bible belt, it's so bad I just stay at home and refuse to socialize with anybody in this place. I have found 14 like minded people here and we all pretty much stay to ourselves.


Welcome and I hope you enjoy it here.


Welcome! There are a lot of folk here from the bible belt. (Not me, though.)


Hi and welcome to our freethinker community. Lots of folks to chat with.


you've come to the right place. buckle up.


Welcome! This is a great site!



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