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LINK Textbooks for Homeschooling Christians Frequently Whitewash U.S. History | Sarahbeth Caplin

FTA: … In rereading my textbooks, I was shocked at the blatant distortions. According to these texts, America was a wilderness until discovered by white European Protestants. The “Natives” rejected God and therefore weren’t blessed. The Constitution and Founding Fathers were all but sacred. The Civil War was unfortunate because it splintered our once great nation, taking God’s blessing away. Slavery was wrong, yes, but it wasn’t that bad because it helped make America what it was. The modern age is rife with problems (including public housing, welfare, and more), most of them stemming from “humanists” and “liberals.”

zblaze 7 Aug 26

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True, but the saccharine public school textbooks aren't much better in whitewashing American history, glossing over western genocide and exploitation, etc.

However, most public school teachers don't even open the textbooks. When I was substitute teaching in eastern Kentucky in the early 1990s, all they did was have kids memorize answers to tests so the teachers wouldn't get fired or the schools lose funding.

It's all just warehousing the kids, holding them back in lockstep with the slowest kids in the class, even though a famous study in the 1980s, that aired almost daily for months on the Kentucky learning channel, found that when there were five or less students per teacher, working only two hours a day, kids were moving up a grade every TWO WEEKS.

All the rest is warehousing children, keeping the kids stalled in school so the schools can collect education funds.

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