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What makes people join a cult? What happens when you join a cult?

Marine 8 Aug 28

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Christianity is a cult of human sacrifice. They want your Sunday mornings and 1/10th of your income. Some people are just more greedy than the average Christian church, and some people are more gullible than your average Christian.

BD66 Level 8 Aug 28, 2018

I think religion, gangs, and cults are extensions of the same emotional weakness and need. The individual builds ego within these group projects. I’ve never liked group projects. I don’t play well with others.


people need to belong to something. sometimes a cult is what they find.


Did you ever practice any religion at all? If so, you've been in a cult. There are varying degrees of cultish control based on what religion is practiced with Scientology probably being among the worst.


It’s hard to define a cult. To many it’s just someone else’s religion. To me the outstanding trait is the us-them mentality bringing with it the “never question the ‘truths’ that are coming down to you from either a charismatic leader or a group of individuals” that a member cannot criticize. People join because these groups offer fellowship and belonging missing in folk’s lives. When an individual investigates joining the group they are love-bombed and made to feel right at home and this continues until they officially join when things start to change. I was raised JW and remained until nearly 40. They work this way and I believe Scientologists, Mormons, evangelicals and numerous other fundamentalist groups do too.

gearl Level 8 Aug 28, 2018

Some people are born into cults. All religions have cultish aspects. Some more than others.. It is a matter how how forbidden one is to seek answers from outside that particular religion. Most religions discourage seekign answers or truth outside of their belief system. Having been raised Mormon, I am well aware of that.

As to why people would join a cult? It is the same for joinign any group. They want a sense of belonging and community. As animals humans evolved in groups for safety and survival. People feel more secure in groups, and if a group makes a person feel welcomed and accepted, animal instincts kick in and draw you into the grop for safety. You do have to remember we evolved on the African Savanna and out intellects are not as evolved as our survival instincts. If a person does nto feel accepted in their curent group or family, then they are prime candidates for cult (or religious) seductions.


All religous are at least somewhat of a cult. Some are just more radical than others. If you don’t believe me try bashing their religion and see what kind of a response you get.


All cults need a charismatic leader who attracts people normally seeking some kind of direction to their lives. This leader uses a series of different persuasions to captivate his congregation. It may be sexual,economic,mind control and others.It further calls upon it's members to be secret,separate and a self contained belief system that gives the leader total control who is never to be questioned.

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