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Do you think Muslims will outnumber Christians?

The pew research center published an article "Why Muslims are the world’s fastest-growing religious group...

While the world’s population is projected to grow 32% in the coming decades, the number of Muslims is expected to increase by 70% – from 1.8 billion in 2015 to nearly 3 billion in 2060. "

I tend to take issue with Christianity, because it's on my doorstep. However, I have a lot of concern about the Muslim religion spreading.

What do you think about this projection? Does it concern you?

silvereyes 8 Oct 17

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Indeed it appears they may outbreed Christianity. While the liberals enshrine political correctness and applaud acceptance and tolerance (read: provide safe harbour for all religions), the conservatives want to build walls to stay safe, yet turn a blind eye to the white guy with a rifle collection that kills 50 people. The US of A is rotting from its core as mentioned here, and so it seems that both sides of the populace EMBRACE religion one way or the other. The fault lies in the lack of quality education.

I'm speaking here primarily about the U.S. which in a nose dive. If things remain status quo, Islam may take over, BUT it takes a village to raise a child. If the educational institutions of the world push back, we may have a fighting chance. My $0.02.


I agree with the stats and the projection and I am concerned with everything happening in and out of this planet. Those projections always have variables. Those variables could either go wild or lame. And those projections could be discarded with a mere push of "the button."

But all those projections and concerns would be futile. And I agree with the guys in this thread that we'll all be dead by that time anyway.

Too bad Optimus Prime and Capt.Kirk still have busy tones. I'd better try Doc Emmet Brown, though I heard his DeLorean was confiscated by the DEA . . . I hope Capt.Hook knows Morse Code . . . dit-di-dit-dash-dash-dit . . .


Trends definitely suggest they will, but Muslims are really just an extension of Christianity which is an extension of Judaism. Apparently, the more shit you stack on a story, the more believable it becomes.

I most certainly agree


I believe that Christianity start more wars than the Muslim religion

So true, not only wars against the Muslims but all the major world wars in the last century were conceived of by Christians or believers of the so-called Abrahamic religions.


It certainly looks like it. Something I read says it has less to do with converting people and more to do with birth rates.

Muslim males are allowed 3 to 4 wives under one roof, hhhmmmm . . . now, I seem to be thinking if I'm going to add myself to the statistics of Muslim's phenomenal growth!


demographics don't usually lie. christian birth rates are low and the young are going secular. I don't care though as I'll be dead . I feel sorry for any baby boy who is mutilated in the name of doctrine. and for the girls in many cultures that are treated differently than their male siblings. There's nothing I can do but lead by example and enjoy life

We'll be dead anyway, yes.

I think you seem to have a fairly good idea why the church and state are pushing for population control among their ranks . . . oh, no, not because selling condoms is very profitable.


i thought they already do

Based on current stats, not yet.


Sure, but in the even longer run agnostics will be the majority eventually because the truth is not on the side of religions. Education and science offer better answers for people who are looking for the truth, but some traditions of spirituality may continue to exist in other forms.

I agree with silver eyes. I was treasurer for the humanists in halton and peel [ toronto] representing 1 million people . There were 20 of us that could be bothered to show up and we couldn't really agree on much except that there are no gods or ghosts. There was no shelter offered to the unfortunate and no songs to sing. Oh well I tried !

Great answer! This is my DREAM! Go Secularism, Humanism and Atheism!!!

I like both comments by silvereyes and markdevenish along with empathizing just how difficult it is to organize atheists into a coherent group. Much like herding cats!

Actually, as time passes, our universe will be no longer be visible giving the ignorant the ability to restart the rumor that everything revolves around us and our almighty creator. Unfortunately, I think most people will always look to religion.

"Stitching" all your comments and opinions all together makes me see the light of day, thank you guys.

I agree with ElijaStone that " education and science offer better answers."

But then, again, the questions remain as to how to educate the people, how to disseminate the info competing for the attention of young minds deluged by porn, drugs and entertainment, and will it be accepted?

Granting that it was accepted, but will they act on it, as in, will they practice it, thereby making a radical shift in their outlook and way of living.

Leaders of any and all groups, no matter how small, knew so well that human emotions is lifeblood of any organization and they know pretty well how to play with those emotions.


What needs to be realised is that the birth rate of countries predominately Muslim are higher than those of those of Christian/agnostic (agnostic is over taking in most countries that are predominantly Christian). The point is that spiritualism is undergoing a radical change towards a disenfranchise of the main religions probably because of it's corruption and higher levels of education.

Please watch this doco as it is very important!

Jammo Level 5 Oct 17, 2017

I've been looking for a Hans Rosenberg for quite some time now re population issues when the Reproductive Health Bill was deliberated in both houses of the Philippine Congress some 3 or 4 years ago . . . I'm glad you came along. Thanks for the link.

I promise to watch to watch those videos, aaaahhh as soon as I'm able . . . stacks of "things to do" have piled up mountain high.


No, it doesn't. May I ask why it concerns you?

SamL Level 7 Oct 17, 2017

You find the same in Christianity. It's those in power who cause all the trouble. The Iranians are looked on as bad people but it's their government that is causing all the grief. Hitler was Christian and so committed unspeakable atrocities. Look into how many Churchill let die during WWII. It's the people in power who are responsible for it all.

@silvereyes : I agree with you every step of the way, except for maybe one.

The people in power are not a big problem. They are the problem. Power corrupts. They're blinded by their power, blatantly brash and arrogant.


I think the day is coming when atheist will out number both. Science and education and the truth they provides are far more powerful than any delusion.

I disagree. As proof look at Trump and all he stands for and everything he says is a lie.

The US is not the world, it is a nation in decline rotting from within. To look into the future look at China, Northern Europe. Australia, Canada and the like where atheism and seculaar humanism are on the rise.

i do

I should clarify by saying look at the lies Trump tells and they accept it as truth. People don't listen to reason and logic they listen to what sounds good. Science is for educated open minded people. The general population of any country is long entrenched in tradition, culture and whatever religion their forebears believed in.

@jodyfine: I agree and i like that line, "Pious, clueless and indeed ROTTING from within."

@SamL : I salute! you made some very good points. Music being one my favorite "religions" I certainly like your "People don't listen to reason and logic they listen to what sounds good."

But I don't agree that "Science is for educated open minded people." No sir, I beg to disagree, I don't believe that it is only for them. Nobody's got a monopoly on knowledge. Everybody's got the power to have it and be enlightened. If only they put their mind to it.

All my life I've been bringing science to the uneducated and the unschooled, getting into trouble most of the time and sometimes ending up with not only a bruised ego but also with a black eye and broken dentures.

I literally fight for what is true and what is right. But then, again, is my truth the same as theirs?

On a happy note, those uneducated and unschooled and I agree on one truth - and that is the absolut-ly true, pure and clear spirit that we share after the brawl. Let's have a drink! Salud!

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