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QUESTION We Have Reached Peak Pharma. There's Nowhere to Go But Down.

We know that the cost of bringing each of these new drugs to market increases at an exponential rate. Indeed this rate, 9 percent per year, is so steady, persisting unchanged through different regulatory regimes and new technological advances, that it has been given a name: “Eroom’s Law” (Moore’s law in reverse). Nine percent may not sound like much, but it means that costs double every 8 years. In less than a decade, the cost of a new drug approval, now $2.6 billion, will be at $5 billion. In 16 years, it will be $10 billion.

The dynamics of this decline are precisely those of a gold mine. The fist-sized nuggets have all been found, the gravel and sand is getting more expensive to recover, and soon there will be nothing but dust.

zblaze 7 Jan 19

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Sad that all the drug companies care about is the almighty dollar. They don't give a shit about the human side of the equation. It's profit profit profit. They have to work harder because the most popular drugs are overmarketed, overprescribed and may go generic. Designer drugs are so expensive for limited populations that they are not as profitable.


well... big pharma hates me... because I am not an user.

Get something life-threatening and you will become a user. Furthermore, I do not believe you have not taken Polio and Small Pox vaccines.

@dahermit I am speaking in present term. Retired from the Navy on 2000, never seen one after retirement. I had lived a full, exciting life when my time comes I will receive death as a man. Not afraid of life-threatening illnesses. I came here to live. Possible you will never outlive my age but I sure outlived yours. Just like the liar thinks everyone is a liar... the one in fear thinks everybody lives in fear. Nah, son, nah.

I am 74...son.

@dahermit So when you gonna start living instead of being afraid of life-threatening illnesses?

I am old enough to remember the polio plague that left people like Dick Johnson confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life unable to move his emaciated arms and legs. I wonder if your statement, " So when you gonna start living instead of being afraid of life-threatening illnesses?" would have made sense to him if he had been able to get the polio vaccine before he got polio. Dick Johnson died from pneumonia due to his body being weakened from paralysis. He got polio in about the eighth grade, died a year or two after high school. He would not have ended up like that for a simple dose of vaccine. So yes, I get vaccinated for flu each year and keep my vaccinations up to date. Because I AM NOT STUPID and am not afraid of needles. If you want to go back to living like they did two hundred years ago, go ahead with the macho attitude... as for me, "Mama didn't raise no fool." We Polish have a saying for people who do not get vaccinated when they are so readily available, they are referred to as having "sh.. for brains".

@dahermit I heard a lot of polish sayings but they are a "joke" here in america... so I will not bring it up. Always the vaccinated trying to recruit... no different than the bible carrier. I had an aunt that died from polio... I had a bodyguard nephew that was shot in the back... Death is part of Life. Regardless of what form comes to you. You live your life and I live mine... Wonder how many pills you consume daily just to get you out of the house? Hey is your life... I am not asking you to stop taking whatever poison you take... go ahead knock yourself out.

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