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LINK The U.S. Is Seizing Passports from Hispanic Americans in South Texas and Is Denying Them to Others.

Back int eh 1970's and 1980's a lto of Hispanic births were done by midwives because they could not afford doctors. In a very few cases soem midwives sold fake virth certificates. Obama settled this issue back in 2009, and things were fine, until Trump got elected. Now he wants to strip tens of thousands of Hispanics of their U.S.citizenship to prevent them from voting in November and possibly future elections. Why? because parts of Texas were going blue (democrat), and they also have brown skin, so republicans don't think twice about stripping their citizenship from them, even though many have served in the military, in the border patrol and are police officers.

snytiger6 9 Aug 30

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What is sad here is that they are denying citizenship rights to people without due process. They are forcign peopel to prove their innocence, rather than taking on the burden of proving guilt of those who are affected. That is the biggest tragedy of what is taking place. It is creating a precedent where the presumption of innocence does nto apply, and peopel in power can do whatever they want. It starts us down a slippery slope away from freedom and individual rights into fascism and government control over individuals.


I suppose we should not be surprised...but things are getting more & more frightening!!

Carin Level 8 Aug 31, 2018
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