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Prostitution legal?

Do you think prostitution should be legal? Please explain

  • 8 votes
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  • 17 votes
Lucignolo 6 Aug 30

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Two consenting's a stupid example: in Scottsdale, Arizona it's a mandatory 15 days in jail for prostitution but I can beat you within an inch of your life (assault) and get probation.

lerlo Level 8 Sep 2, 2018

It should be safer for the practitioner and by proxy, the client if it is legalized. Get the pimps out of the equation too.


As some European countries have done. It should be regulated. It increases safety and health for all parties involved. I completely agree with the other ladies.It takes it out of the shadows and becomes an authentic service with rights and responsibilities.


I think the definition should be changed. Prostitutes are providing a service and are deserving respect and should be categorized as part of the service industry.

Example: When someone gets a haircut, style, perm, etc. they are paying for a service and not for the person providing the service. Payment doesn't give the person the right to abuse mentally or physically or use the person that is providing the service.

Rules, regulations and safety procedures are necessary to protect both the service provider and the client.

Betty Level 8 Aug 30, 2018
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