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Is it never to late to start all over again?

When do you call it quits? What's the final thing? How long do you keep trying?

BucketlistBob 8 Jan 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Watch "Steppenwolf It's Never Too Late" on YouTube


'starting over' ? you know better than that.


I haven't reached that point yet, or do you mean my marriage?

For my marriage it was when I was spending my first waking moments and my final moments before sleep trying to figure out how to make it look like an accident. And how to survive on what I was able to earn, and how I didn't really want to deprive my kids of anything. I tried for a very long time, the kids tell me it was too long.

I am sorry you had to go through that pain. I had almost threw in the towel until I went on a retreat for alcoholics. I met my now wife there. She's from Houston. Everybody knows somebody that knows you or your ex-wife in this town. I was big in recovery and knew about a hundred people That knew me and my ex. Dating was a problem around here. That sucks big-time. I branched out and it made a difference.

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