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I'd like to locate a few like-minded musicians for recreational purposes only

I'd like to locate a few like-minded musicians for recreational purposes only. I recently retired to Red Wing, where I have found myself mostly surrounded by a lot of traditional religion and quite a few people fixated on the 1960-70 period in music. I'd like to find a few people who are interested in playing music for fun (with no intention of gigging, ever) on a regular basis.

TWDay 4 Jan 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Come to Michigan and we'll form a group. Or maybe Skype jamming could become a "thing."


😟 well this is depressing.. I am about 2hrs from you and don't really play any instruments but I can come be your Atheist groupie once you get it up and running.


Look up open mics in your area

There are a couple and I go to as many as possible. So far, that mostly means I'm performing in front of a crowd, which is what I'm trying to escape from. 😉

@TWDay Yes there`s the performing aspect but you do meet other musicians.


I'm not even close, but do play with 3 groups making music. The biggest is a celtic band that has an open session every Sunday afternoon. Think making music with others is about as good as it get. Hope you can find some local musicians.


Sorry. Too far away.

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