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Site Questions:

Capture the Flag

Some have said "I may have accidentally flagged your post". What happens when you click the flag and back out of it? If you don't follow the flag all the way through, is it still flagged?

When a post or comment is flagged, can you see who flagged it or do you (@admin) keep yourself blind to the flagger and make a determination based on the content? (accounting for your own bias)


For me, personally, I think this is too random and superfluous. You can click no when you meant yes. No doesn't seem to do anything besides making the comment disappear from your view. Some of the Yes/No appear on innocuous statements like "I agree completely" on a fellow level 6. My personal preference is to not have it.

I ❤ you

A heart on a profile means the member is open to dating. No heart means they are just here for the community. It also means the member is not your gender preference I.e. women who say there are open to dating, meeting women. What do the colors mean? If someone has a grey heart does that mean they're open to dating but are dead inside? LOL

Emoji Madness 😀 😎 ❤ 💋

Luv 'em, hate 'em, use 'em, ignore 'em, they are part of online commucation. On this site, you really have to work at using the more exotic ones in that you actually have to remember what text to type or stop and refer to the graphic index of available emojis. How involved/difficult would it be to simply use the emojis that are standard in your phone or browser so they don't become a string of ?????

ScienceBiker 8 Jan 21

Enjoy being online again!

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How do we use the emojii? How to add the heart icon to the profile?

Forgive the obtuseness but where do I type it in order to have it show on my profile picture? Or next to my user name beside the level star?

@SherryMartin I think that is an admin function/site operation

@btroje Do you see a heart on my profile pic?

@SherryMartin no. I think our emoji power is limited to our posts


Good questions!

I would like to see a simpler WYSIWYG interface for posting comments. I've realized that placing quotes seems to mess the formatting and that can be frustrating.

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