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Sounds like this guy is still a GOP misogynist, happy with what Trump has done so far, but just doing "damage control" to make sure Trump's nuttiness doesn't sink the party.

Makes me wonder..are you a conservative and/or a Trumpite, Alvin, by any chance? If so I'll block you immediately.


I get the impression this is meant to lull us into a false sense of security. From what I've seen, senior officials of this administration are prone to telling lies. Why should we trust this anonymous senior official any more than we trust known senior officials? Smoke and mirrors.

To me, it's someone crying for help and trying to warn us about what's going on inside the White House without giving themselves away. There's mounting evidence that POTUS is not of sound mind (yet holds the keys to the nuclear arsenal) so hopefully this gets more discussion about the 25th amendment going amongst Republicans (especially the spineless ones in Congress).

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