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What is a "sensitive new age guy"?

I am curious about what people think this is. It seems to have a negative connotation, as in "I'm not a sensitive new age guy." Is this just more to the idea that men aren't suppose to have feelings or something else?

thinkwithme 7 Sep 5

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...when the termnew age arrived
it meant rejecting old beliefs
for other less defined(or redefined)

    cheering a goal in sports is showing

emotion/fighting involves emotion
? dancing involves emotion

... sensitive used to refer to a negitive
condition of being led by emotions
with little or no control,,,as mentioned
in other comments.
= a man with no moorings
https:// A ship adrift

When sensitive is really a form of experience

...yes,I guess that assessment would
create a different categories &***
that wasn't the inquiry;the term was
coined in the 80's


Considering my several mental instabilities, I’m a pretty sensitive man. I’ve found that seemingly because of the egos of women I’ve dated, I’ve resorted to suppressing most of the “sentimental” emotions and attitude. Almost by instinct at this point of my life. I’ll be the first to announce myself as a sensitive man, but considering today’s political climate, you’ll most likely never experience it. It’s easy for someone to wish for sensitivity and then write you off when they don’t like what they get.

Sort of like ask me to have feelings and then retract that when my feelings are not convenient in line with what you want them to be. To me it is finding that even in conflict of what you want I want there is a mutual regard for one another that still makes interactions meaningful


It seems to me that it must be Very difficult to "be a man" in this culture. I recommend just be Yourself!


Instead of being a new age, sensitive guy, be a soulful, sexy dude. A man who is shares household chores equally, cooks, cleans, does child care, changes diapers, laundry, etc. Who can express his emotions appropriately without lashing out.

Instead of sitting on your ass while I do all the work, and occasionally, with great fanfare, refill the ice cube tray.

Here it is then, 7 Signs You are a Sensitive New Age Guy

  1. It’s a first date and in good SNAG tradition, you take her to Kirtan or a cacao ceremony.

    Soulful Sexy Dude: Let me cook dinner for you at my place, and then let’s go to a Jazz club for a night cap.

  2. It’s been a fun evening (or day) together and it’s time for that first kiss. You lean in and bow namaste.

Soulful Sexy Dude: Leans in and asks if it’s okay to kiss her.

  1. You’ve been dating several months. You finally pop the big question: Do you think we’re soul mates or karma mates?

Soulful Sexy Dude: Will you marry me?

  1. It’s time for the wedding ceremony. You choose an interfaith minister who is also a cacao priestess and Reiki master and of course you get married barefoot on a beach or in a meadow. Your vows are Rumi quotes, softly spoken while a priestess harpist plays in the background.

Soulful Sexy Dude: Let’s elope (and preferably to an exotic land of adventure).

  1. Your partner is bitchy. You decide to leave the room (I’ll be back when you are not so triggered) or in an eerily calm voice you point out the obvious (I can see that you are upset).

Soulful Sexy Dude: You know, you are acting like a jerk right now, but I love you anyway. Would you like a back rub or glass of wine?

  1. It’s home movie night and you insist on watching romantic comedies or obsurce film festival documentaries. When your partner suggests a Bruce Willis or Tom Cruise action movie, you look at her like she’s suggested a snuff film.

Soulful Sexy Dude: Forget Bruce Willis, let’s watch a sexy flick together and then make our own erotic movie.

  1. It’s time to have kids. You insist on gender neutral names, ideally referencing natural land forms, seasons or the animal kingdom (Tiger, Ocean, Sky, Summer).

Soulful Sexy Dude: Let’s name our kids after our favorite relatives or friends.


That. was great! Thanks for sharing🙂


You're welcome. This makes me laugh!

...working on it~but
the goal post seems to move
further away ???
when I take my eye off it(not
in a relationship)???


I've always seen it in contexts that suggests an overly emotional, weepy sort of guy, not simply having emotions or crying once in awhile but more extreme than that -- enough to be unattractive in a man or a woman. The New Age part also suggests weird / unapproved spirituality. You're right that the connotation is negative.


The implication is he couldn't run a chainsaw very well. It is all a matter of perspective. The opposite of redneck sort of.


I saw that too - seemed a strange thing to say!

Jnei Level 8 Sep 5, 2018
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