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Ice cream

I truly love Ice cream. I eat it at least twice a week, even in the winter. My favorite is: Perry's Cinnamon swirl. What's yours?

Nurse-Quantros 7 Sep 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I like ice cream more, now that I have discovered gourmet flavors. No ice cream shop sells any around here, though. I used to buy Three Twins Cardamom flavor when the grocery had it. Now, I will eat Pistachio gelato or Chocolate sorbet by Taliente.

My absolute faves are home made. I have a French Vanilla that is a dead ringer for grandma's custard! I've also made decent basil and a rather unusual saffron recipe.

Jamocha Almond Fudge is where I got started. I can easily see how you can love it!

Zster Level 8 Sep 7, 2018

Chocolate Chip Mint.


Meh, I’m not a fan. I will eat it on occasion, but mostly I’ll just pass on it.

@Nurse-Quantros I should make a list of the little things, lol but ice cream wouldn’t be on that list 😉

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