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Do you have a sweet tooth?

Are you one to purchase Girl Scout cookies? Do you have a particular sweet that you like to indulge? Cookies, donuts, scones, fritters, cakes, pies, puddings, candy, cotton candy....unhealthily enticing..

MyLiege 7 Jan 22

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I used to, but then I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes (T1D.) It took quite a while before I was able to put everything in proper perspective, and for the first few years I would indulge in sugar binges. I would rationalize it by telling myself "at least I won't have a hypoglycemic episode in the middle of the night." The problem was that a sugar binge for me was half a box of Hostess cupcakes, half a bag of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies, or three or four fudge brownies. I wouldn't get hypoglycemia in the middle of the night, but I'd wake up the next morning with a blood glucose in the 300 - 500 range.

I don't do that anymore. It is very rare now that I eat anything sweet, and then it's only a tiny serving or a low-carb recipe. It's easier to deal with now because I can correct my blood sugar more easily since I started using an insulin pump about 6 years ago. Most of the time when I have that rare "something sweet" it's a no sugar added substitute for something -- carrot cake, an ice cream sandwich, etc. Someone who is looking to satisfy a true sweet tooth would probably not care for it, but for me it's a real treat.

Were it not for T1D I am sure I would still have a monster sweet tooth, but necessity led me to train myself to not have one.


I love fresh baked goods. These days I try not to eat to much of it


I don't - except for cotton candy (or candy floss, as we know it here). For some reason, I love the stuff.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 22, 2018
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