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LINK Animated interactive of the history of the Atlantic slave trade.

Sadly eye opening. Great interactive animation.

The Atlantic Slave Trade in Two Minutes
315 years. 20,528 voyages. Millions of lives.

Usually, when we say “American slavery” or the “American slave trade,” we mean the American colonies or, later, the United States. But as we discussed in Episode 2 of Slate’s History of American Slavery Academy, relative to the entire slave trade, North America was a bit player. From the trade’s beginning in the 16th century to its conclusion in the 19th, slave merchants brought the vast majority of enslaved Africans to two places: the Caribbean and Brazil. Of the more than 10 million enslaved Africans to eventually reach the Western Hemisphere, just 388,747—less than 4 percent of the total—came to North America. This was dwarfed by the 1.3 million brought to Spanish Central America, the 4 million brought to British, French, Dutch, and Danish holdings in the Caribbean, and the 4.8 million brought to Brazil.

This interactive, designed and built by Slate’s Andrew Kahn, gives you a sense of the scale of the trans-Atlantic slave trade across time, as well as the flow of transport and eventual destinations. The dots—which represent individual slave ships—also correspond to the size of each voyage. The larger the dot, the more enslaved people on board. And if you pause the map and click on a dot, you’ll learn about the ship’s flag—was it British? Portuguese? French?—its origin point, its destination, and its history in the slave trade. The interactive animates more than 20,000 voyages cataloged in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database. (We excluded voyages for which there is incomplete or vague information in the database.) The graph at the bottom accumulates statistics based on the raw data used in the interactive and, again, only represents a portion of the actual slave trade—about one-half of the number of enslaved Africans who actually were transported away from the continent.


Lukian 8 Sep 9

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Several countries were ahead of the pack back in the day, they all expanded on Africa and conquer with the purpose to take advantage of cheap labor. We don't have to like it but, It's history and we can cut it any way we like but we cannot change it.


I couldn't watch the whole video. Too sad.


I suppose some need to see the stats for this sad behavior of humans against humans. I read the article but passed on the animation. TY for posting.


Slave trade began thousands of years ago , was pretty much world wide , and included pretty much anyone who was on the losing side of whatever wars were being fought . It was and always be shameful , disgusting , and down right wrong .

this article is specific to the cross Atlantic (African) slave trade.

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