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A friend said, "I'm photogenic".
I don't have a symmetrical face.
Does that mean I'm ulgy in person cause they said that, like why not say I'm a good looking guy. Then they tell me to wear a t-shirt saying I'm single down to fuck.

Is it a compliment or insult?

M121 7 Jan 22

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Dunno. I had a similar reaction. People would look at my photos and say things like.."Hey! You look great in this photo! You should wear your hair that way more!" And I'd say.."But that photo was taken last week!" They'd look at the photo, then at me, and seem skeptical.

I thought they were all nuts until I once saw much older photos without recognizing myself. My first thought was that I looked good, but when the photos were taken I didn't think so.


you said friend, right? hmm...


Don't wear the T shirt....

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