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LINK How to get people to like you

I was doing a little purging on my computer and discovered a link a friend sent me some time ago. It was titled “The Secrets to a Good Life.” I had not read the link thoroughly but when I did I found additional sub-links that are worth sharing (plus it gives me a chance to read them as well). I feel these links are worth sharing.

JackPedigo 9 Sep 12

Enjoy being online again!

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That is intriguing.


i have no interest in getting people to like me. i have an interest in being the best me i can be. if people like me for that, fabulous! if people want me to be someone else so they can like me, they'd better go find someone else.


That is a good attitude but for some it is important not to turn people off. Many of us are introverts and can use help fitting in. I live in a super connected community and I like and often need the support from others.

@JackPedigo that's different from getting people to like you. my advice stands: be yourself.


@genessa IFor you that might work but for some, we need guidance. We live in a society and want to fit in. My first wife was bi-polar. She gave little thought to what people thought including our daughter. I heard many times that one should be able to show their emotions and too bad what others thought.

@JackPedigo well, that's not what i mean by be yourself, unless you're bipolar too. if you have normal control over your conduct, just don't pretend to be who you're not, and don't pretend not to be who you are. that doesn't mean you have to shout out "you're ugly" whenever you see an unattractive person. that's not the same thing. as for the "some" for whom it works, what do you mean that "we," as opposed to the "some," live in a society? everyone does! and you don't have to fit in to the extent that you're not even you. what you heard about showing your emotions and too bad about others is NOT what being yourself means. there is an in-between, you know!


@genessa Thanks for the critique. I think we agree but are circling about details. Sometimes there are communication issues like the"we" versus "some". To me sometimes the we and some can be mutually inclusive.
I read the item before posting it and learned something. As I said this item was just one of a long string of links from a bigger item which I am also looking at. Most of what I say on this site comes from experiences and one thing I have learned is that nothing is simple.



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