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Is there a deletion procedure for inactive accounts?

Should there be?
Just wondering.

MadHadderoll 5 Jan 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Are you wondering about deleting them so they don't show up in your "Meet" searches? Or so they don't show up in discussions?


I think there should be a way to weed out inactive accounts. I've noticed many accounts of people who probably just signed up to check it out but never interacted or added a photo and never logged back in. I guess that's why they show the "level 2 and up" people in the meet me section.

MsAl Level 8 Jan 25, 2018

Are you talking about the site purging inactive accounts?

Yes, this is my intention.


Look for last login-admn can remove trolls and scammers.


If you click on the little cog by the message icon. go to the basics tab and scroll down. in the lower right hand corner there are delete account and pause account options.


I think most accounts that don't have a picture or an avatar of some sort aren't in the game.

You can choose to filter those, but I mean inactives picture or not.


I don't know whether I think they should be deleted, but perhaps "last login" could be factored into the member search somehow so someone who hasn't signed in for three months isn't showing up at the top of the list. For all I know, @Admin already has something like that in place.

Thanks bud thumbs up

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