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Look at how the doctor is dressed and you will see that she thinks her religion teaches this. In fact, she might have been mutilated as a young girl herself. Is it right to do this? Oh, hell no! We should prosecute until this barbaric thing goes away. Let me explain something here. This practice takes the pleasure of sex away from the woman so that she might be more interested in her husband and a family and not really enjoy sex at all. Some in Islam think it keeps families together. A woman with no clitoris has no sexual desire and a man can have her sewn up to "be tighter." This practice is all about the property and the enjoyment of the man.


I want her in the slammer and I want those parents there, too! We all know how Islam ''respects'' women....don't we? I wonder if there's a possibility for repair/restoration?

You cannot put back a clitoris and the nerve endings that are destroyed when one is removed.

@DenoPenno Oh, of course. What I should have said more clearly it possible to cosmetically repair the outer areas, so she doesn't LOOK so mutilated? This could matter.

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