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QUESTION Woman says Missouri’s strict abortion regulations violate her religion: the Satanic Temple - The Washington Post

I don't know any "practicing" Satanists but I've followed their fights in various places (Wisconsin, Kansas, Texas, and others). I appreciate their efforts to hold the rising Xtian Right accountable.

BookDeath 8 Jan 24

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Well done! I can remember when there were bait and switch clinics when people were referred to Planned Parenthood - unfamiliar with an area - and a helpful person walked them into a religious center that showed then some pretty horrific (and fake) facts about abortion. They thought they were at the proper clinic and left shell-shocked. Did they offer counseling for adoption etc...? Nope. Just don't give up that "Baby". Sounds like we are going backwards more and more.


It's time for the holy-rollers to get a taste of their own medicine !


Just like Trump is giving people license to discriminate due to their convictions, maybe convictions can be used to overturn a bad law here.


I hope she's successful!

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