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First album

What was the first album you loved and do you still listen to it?

Crow616 4 Sep 15

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Soundtrack from Jaws. Don't listen to it any more.


Angel City, Dark Room - had it on vinyl, then got rid of all my vinyl, but recently learned the entire recording is in youtube and I'm in love again. The sound is similar to early AC/DC and the two toured together


Fleetwood Mac's Rumours -- yup.


My parents gave me the Yellow Submarine album when I was 6 or 7. I didn’t like the orchestral stuff on side 2, but I still like several songs on side 1.


The first album I bought was Focus - Live at the Rainbow, recorded 5th May 1973. It obviously holds a special place for me and I still have it and now that you've mentioned it I'm going to take David Lee Roth off and put Focus on 🙂

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