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Would there be something called Religion after a 100 years hence

Noyi 6 Sep 16

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I predict that some of the dogmatic and fundamentalist religious organizations will fade away. The human religious impulse will live forever.


It may not be the current main religions, but I’m pretty sure religion will endure. People are content being sheep and just follow the trends.


Unfortunately there is no sign that religion will go away any time soon. On the scale of human history (200,000 years +/-), one hundred years is a veritable blink of an eye.


Unfortunately, that is very likely.


There’s no telling what we might call it, but if humans are to survive we will probably always need a cultural device to counterbalance the mental suffering caused by evolutionary mismatch and ignorance. The only way that might not be the case would be if we were to devolve back into animals that were not capable of abstract thought, but that isn’t going to happen in a hundred years, or likely ever.

skado Level 9 Sep 16, 2018
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