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Do you have ESP?

Do you believe in ESP? have some examples of it?

Or do you disbelieve and why?

gater 7 Jan 24

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I don't call it ESP but I have had enough non-coincidences to believe that I am slightly tapped into the Universal stream.

One common occurrence would be the number of times I have been thinking of a friend I haven't been in touch with for quite a while; within 24 hours I will hear from that person. It's like a "feeling" that washes over me and it only happens when I am about to encounter, receive, or be a part of something bad. My entire life.

Another semi-regular happening is that I get a very weird feeling when something bad is about to happen.

The Universal stream - I like it.


Oh come on, ESP and clairvoyance and precognition, if they existed would make the internet redundant. why are there still so many ignorant people out there? whats the difference between all this mumbo jumbo and religion, just the same, but different labels

Would make the internet redundant? And ESP and religion are two different topics.


I have had some weird experiences, but if the winning Lotto numbers don't show up, who gives a damn? Foreknowledge: Useless annoying and irritating, phooey!

I don't think ESP can tell you lotto numbers, I think it can let you send and receive "messages" or images, of others.

@DaveRampey why exactly could it not send, or allow me to sense, the powerball combo? Says who? Stupid useless "talent".......

@AnneWimsey because know one knows the numbers ahead of time. ESP lets you sense whats happening now.

@DaveRampe sorry but you do not sound as if your experiences have been anything like mine. Mine have involved some foreknowledge, so why not lottery winners?


I knew you were going to ask me that.


surely you have the answer to that


I knew you were going to ask that question! Seriously, I have this weird thing going on where I think of something, like a song or a person or an historical event and shortly afterward, I hear or see what I was thinking about. I suppose it could be synchronicity or random chance, but it's slightly unsettling.


Thanks for the responses - I believe we all have ESP - however, since man has developed sophisticated speech, a lot of us have lost their ESP abilities.
I think our brains are capable of sending and receiving waves of energy, but we must be receptive to it to use it.
We all know the brain makes waves, but can we be receptive to others waves?
I consider ants - and how they communicate, maybe we have similar abilities buried somewhere in our brains.

gater Level 7 Jan 25, 2018

so you saying that early man, like Neanderthals communicated by ESP and then lost that ability because they learnt speech instead? is that not a backward step in evolution ? and what is that about ants? they use endorphins and movement to communicate, similar to bees, not ESP

@magicwatch - no - long before that. If you believe in Evolution then you must understand that in most of our history we did not have speech. Im saying that in our history, that we probably communicated like the ants do. And im not convinced that ants communicate like you say - they do have antenna - maybe they send and receive messages with them. But since we developed speech we don't rely on those abilities.


Yup. I was born with many psychic powers, but since my sister and mom had them also, it seemed normal. Plus, in Haiti, many Haitians did also.
But apparently, animals and people all have ESP, since we're all made of energy and thoughts are energy, unless people have been taught to suppress it. But I read several studies of white children captured by Native Americans during the 1880s, and they found that if the kids weren't returned within six months, it was too late. The kids all had psychic powers-able to predict the future, control the weather, heal with their minds, make game come to them, etc. and never lost them, since it was considered normal in the tribes. This even happened with captured, adult US soldiers.

We missionary kids in Haiti didn't have phones so we started using ESP to "call" each other to plan beach trips and make rendezvous plans. My mom used to wake us up with a jolt by standing in the doorway and thinking "Wake up!" and we'd leap up, startled. Later on in life, my mom used ESP to "call" me when she needed me, since I lived upstairs in our double farmhouse but there was no phone.

I rode all my horses without saddle or bridle, even drove them, using my mind. I could even "tell" my Walking Horses which gait to use when they were pulling a horse cart, and they'd change gaits as I thought it. I couldn't wear a watch because all kinds of watches-wind up, battery, etc., always stopped when I put one on, but I always knew the time anyway, and somehow knew the answer to every question my friends asked me, such as when someone would return from a trip.

I found I couldn't play card games or games of chance because I always won..I.e., I'd always get a royal flush, no matter who cut the cards. That happened with all games of chance until I was banned from games. My kids are the same way.

I saw the future so much it became confusing..I'd see a car accident happen ahead and while I was slowing down to approach the intersection, there'd be a "reset" and suddenly it was all happening again. I finally began actively blocking all my powers and trying to forget I had them, since I felt weird about it.

@AxeElf Not really. You have to be able to control it. If I won even once that big at a casino, I'd be banned. The way to win big at games is to LOSE, leading fellow players on, then sneak and win, acting as though it was an accident.

My son used to do this as a kid, but I can't control it..I used to try desperately to lose when I was little, but it was no use, and my friends told me I couldn't play, so I gave up playing all games of chance.
My daughter uses ESP to ask the race horses who will win when she bets at the track, but she does as I showed her, setting a win limit before she goes, so she's not ripping off Keeneland Race Track.

I also got tired of not being able to wear a watch and I wanted to stop just "knowing" the time because some people began to hint that I was a witch, so I blocked that also, deciding that I could wear a watch, and from then on, and I could.

Using psychic stuff puts me at risk of angering those around me, so I suppress it.

I'm part Cherokee, and in my tribe I'd be trained as a shaman, and my daughter is sort of a shaman in the tribe group she recently joined.

I still communicate with animals when I need to, like when I bought a wild Asian Fairy-bluebird and it was terrified.
I had to mentally explain things to him, and show him in my mind how to fly in and out of the cage, and he did. After that, I could just think to him to fly back in the cage, and he would.

I'm currently living in Thailand, and here, many people, including my students, are so psychic, it's scary. Thai kids who didn't even know English, would start saying a new English word aloud before I could even start to write it on the board, when making a new vocabulary list. I would wish for something and a Thai friend would show up and hand me the item. I suppose it's because most people here meditate.

@AxeElf One power I wish I could control is teleportation. I used to do it frequently, as well as my daughter, but only if we didn't realize we were doing it, LOL! When our speedometers were broken, it only took 20 minutes to travel to nearby cities, like Cincinnati, or Louisville, but when we got new cars, once we could see how far we'd gone, the trips went back to taking several hours each way.

Sometimes my husband and I would start driving off on a trip of several hours, and within ten minutes, we were arriving, but it wasn't something I could make just happened. My daughter had similar things happen to her. That's one power I'd LOVE to be able to control.

If nobody has claimed the prize, it's because most psychic people have little to no interest in entertaining people. I only used ESP or asked for answers with people who asked me to do it, When I was still religious, once people found out I could do this, I was constantly consulted as a "prophet."

I only seem to have the answers when asked, because I don't like to invade the psyches of others. It feels like a violation of privacy, and I only would do it if someone asked me to check with someone else, as a favor, like one man asked me to find out why his ex wife was threatening to move out of state with their kids.

I hated to do it, but cautiously entered her mind (she lived in another city but time and space don't matter) and found out her brothers had abused her as a child, and she was now afraid that her ex husband would abandon her, since he had a new girlfriend. I advised him to tell her that he would always give her child support and that he loved her, and that solved the problem. Plus he asked discreetly and found out that it was true, and that his ex had had to have therapy for being molested.

@AxeElf I am afraid to practice teleportation though, because the thought hits me that I've always teleported while driving in a car, and if I accidentally did while on foot and suddenly found myself in another country, I could be in a world of trouble. My daughter once spontaneously teleported while walking ten blocks late at night in a dangerous neighborhood. She only walked one block and suddenly realized she'd arrived. She probably unconsciously made that one happen, but I don't know how to control teleportation and don't want to end up in the US, without my passport.

@AxeElf No, you're not. I don't particularly care if you or anyone else believes me. The US people are that way, but in other countries, and even in our tribe, such powers are taken for granted. Go on back to your TV.


No. But I've heard that dairy cows do.


Yes. Not as strong as it was.


Sometimes I phone a Psychic from a pay phone and ask... Who Am I?


I do not believe it, simply because there is no evidence of it existing.

A sort of side group within my family are part of the spiritual Christian church (they don't seem compatible, I know!), they train people with "gifts" to commune with the dead, or read people's feelings etc. It's all cold reading and Barnum statements but they truly believe it's ESP ????


I believe some people take a lot more notice of what is going on around them, even though they may not be aware of it. I can usually tell who is ringing before I answer the phone, ot if it is a nuisance salesman, purely because I don't have many people who ring me, and they all have patterns, days of the week and times of the day they call. ESP certainly, magic, certainly not.


Extra Spicy Potatoes, yumm!

The only extra sensory powers we posses are..

  1. self delusion
  2. intuition - guessing an outcome based on difficult to quantify evidence (but nothing magical)

As an aside, it seems there is evidence that humans can use sound to navigate (a bit like daredevil) Seems hard to believe, but there is some pretty convincing evidence. Not magic, just brain power.

Humans can, the blind often learn this skill naturally. Now seems like a good time to promote some of my research 😀 []


I just knew you were going to post this! 🙂


No and neither does anyone else. Although I will predict many will respond to counter my reply.

And none did, ESP foiled again!

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