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Just because I don't agree with you. Based on my knowledge of chemistry, physics and thermodynamics I do not believe CO2 is causing global warming I have done a lot of research on this subject and there are many other people that believe the same thing. What I'm saying is we have some global warming and the subject needs more research we don't do science by consensus science is done by collecting data analyzing applying to the scientific method. I tried to find the newest information or information that was suppressed. I consider all information 5 to 10 years old worth reviewing but you have no right to tell me how to think. Now there are many people out there doing research and believe as I do research the information for yourself and come back to me with some reliable information about CO2 only. Yes I believe some of the human activities are changing the landscape of this earth. But nobody is going to stop their way of life everybody wants their air conditioning automobile RVs boats nice homes and everything energy brings us nobody's going to stop using fossil fuels until there is a better source for reliable energy that is cheaper. In my opinion fossil fuels are too valuable to be burning them for energy. We should be using fossil fuels for manufacturing products but we don't have anything else yet in place that can meet the energy demands of the world. Also do some research on plants and the benefits CO2 brings we have a growing population to feed we have people starving in the world already. There is research going on about the benefits CO2 for plants also do some research on that. Judith Curry can explain to you what the problem is with this research that's going on in the past there's no point in me going over it all. Do a Google search she has written many articles.

dc65 7 Jan 24

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So what do you believe is behind the current change in climate. Do you believe the massive overpopulation of the human animal is responsible?

@Kojaksmom I believe is probably a natural cycle that human beings may have caused a small amount of climate change through their agriculture and land usage by draining so much water off the land. I have researched the benefits of CO2 and the liabilities. I am in the 3% if you believe in the 97% are saying CO2 causes global warming. I basically believe what Judith Curry is saying []
I have been making postings on this website ,, you can go back and read those, it will explain my position. I'm not making my decision about CO2 from one piece of information the biggest reason I feel that CO2 does not cause global warming is In 1800 approximately .03% of the atmosphere today .041% of the atmosphere approximately and water vapor is the main house gas which is 95% to 99% the controlling part of the atmosphere,, that is stated in much literature on the Internet. My position is we need to do a lot more research on climate change. Science is not done by consensus is done by the scientific method. Please read Judith Curry's articles and you will understand where I'm coming from much better. Climate change has become something like religion now. lol I'm in the minority on climate change just like we are in religion, they changed the name from global warming to climate change because there has been little increase in the temperature since 1998 -- 2002 approximately depending on what source you want to use. Now they cannot be wrong because we've always had climate change here on earth.

I believe overpopulation is not a good thing at this point we need to evaluate how many human beings to earth can support without doing any damage and I'm sure we're past that point so I think human beings need to use birth control to reduce the population through attrition.

I believe climate change has become pseudoscience.
I was wondering if you look at this website yet?
how important is climate change to you?
Here is an interesting article which is worth reading.

@dc65 what role do you think massive deforestation plays into your theory

@Kojaksmom I think it has changed the color of the surface of the earth from green to brown and black causing the Earth to absorb more heat. Also when you deforest land it cannot hold as much moisture so it dries out faster to build homes and factories or raise crops which reduces evaporation cooling effect of the moisture.
What do you know about physics, chemistry and thermodynamics? I'm just curious to know.

@dc65 not much, but the scientific evidence that human activity is leading to climate change is scientifically documented. I do not believe environmental scientists have any kind of hidden agenda. It is true that many factors also play a role, but to say that CO2 is not a factor is like saying vaccines cause autism. The Reliance on fossil fuels and being a climate change denier go hand-in-hand.

what do you think of these two statements?

In year 1800 approximately was CO2 0.03% of the atmosphere today 2018 is 0.041% CO2 of the atmosphere approximately

water vapor is the main greenhouse gas which is 95% to 99% the controlling part of the atmosphere,,

@Kojaksmom What do you know about physics, chemistry and thermodynamics?
I'm just curious to know.

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