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Yeah. This jerk is also a massive homophobe. He's probably going to win the representative spot that Marsha Blackburn is vacating. I really hope they both lose.


I wonder if he thinks we should close all the hospitals so we can go back to praying for a cure.


well, surely he believes that people will meet god when they die, so of course he wants to deny them medicaid so they can die and meet god. that is easy to understand (you may have to twist your brain around a bit and it would surely hurt, but then it would be easy to understand....) what's more difficult to understand is why, if this is such a good thing, green doesn't kill himself so he can meet god too. i am guessing, too, that he has health insurance....


of course i was being ever-so-slightly snarky there. green's purported reasoning is this, and i quote him directly:

"… every person who came to Christ came to Christ with a physical need… People go to God because of a physical need and they walk away with a spiritual need met. That’s the story of the Gospels. And so government has stepped in, at least in this country, and done all the work for the church. And so the person who’s in need — they look to the government for the answer. Not God. And I think, in that way, government has done an injustice that’s even bigger than just the entitlement — creation of an entitlement welfare state. I think it’s even bigger. And in this setting, I’ll share the story… I think it interrupts the opportunity for people to come to a saving knowledge of who God is."

this is of course disgusting on so many levels. first of all there is the underlying christian delusion, but let's ignore that for a moment. even if his religious beliefs were true -- that there was a god, that there was a christ, that in any case either existence was important, and the premise of his first sentence -- his reasoning would STILL be bogus. government aid doesn't interrupt a damned thing. there are plenty of religious christians on welfare. and i wasn't being snarky in speculating that he has health insurance.


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