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QUESTION Satanic Temple Wins Abortion Victory In Missouri

Good news: Ultrasounds are no longer required to obtain an abortion in Missouri after The Satanic Temple challenges the state’s restrictive abortion laws.
The Satanic Temple has been fighting a quiet battle in Missouri to protect a woman’s right to choose an abortion, claiming that any restriction on abortion violates their “sincerely held religious beliefs.”
The victory: During oral arguments, Missouri’s Solicitor General announced to the State’s Supreme Court that ultrasounds are not mandatory to obtain an abortion.
Currently Missouri’s abortion providers regularly perform ultrasounds on all women seeking an abortion because they were mandated by the state. This admission by Missouri’s Solicitor General reverses that policy, and will relieve many women from the burden of going through a medically unnecessary and demeaning medical procedure.

Dougy 7 Jan 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm wondering if the ultrasounds aren't a "guilt" trip, shaming! After as little as 3 weeks, a heartbeat can be heard via ultrasound. Ultrasound could be used to impress upon the mother to be that she is killing something living inside of her.

It's a glorified guilt trip . Exactly ! A waste of time , & a waste of money !


Ave Satanas!


And everybody thought that Satan wanted more souls to tempt....preventing original sin one person at a time. Oh no I didn't....YES I DID!


Excellent news ! More of this sort of thing needs to happen country wide !


For those who don't know the Satanic Temple is basically an atheist organization, that challenges institution of religion in government. They use the name Satanic Temple to get media attention and wil go to great measures to make a point.

Here is their mission statement.


I think it is hysterical what people get their drawers in a bunch over. I'd happily join a Satanic Temple just to piss off people.

@HippieChick58 I think I have a crush on your brain!

@DavidLaDeau Thank you!!


Yay and hail!!!

Hail !


"Likewise" 😉


Too many of the religious nut jobs don't seem to understand the term "religion". It entails all beliefs. Since that word and not Christianity is in the Constitution no matter how much redefining they do they cannot escape the inclusiveness of the word.


Hail Satan \m/

I hail Satanism , I'm not able to do otherwise without personification . I'm that Atheist , but they still accept me . Very staunch supporters of Religion\m/Government separation .


John Sauer, Missouri’s Solicitor General announced to the State’s Supreme Court that ultrasounds are not mandatory to obtain an abortion. This information no doubt comes as a surprise to Missouri’s abortion providers who regularly perform ultrasounds they have perceived as mandated by the State. The issue arose during oral arguments in The Satanic Temple’s (TST) lawsuit, which asserts that State interference with the ability for a member of TST … to terminate her pregnancy violates her rights under Missouri’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) because that interference has no medical or other compelling purpose….
T.S.T. defends this case not only because of their pursuit of absolute separation of religion from government , but also due to their 3rd Tenet , that defends the right to Abortion , Euthanasia , & other anatomical rights to one own anatomy . See their 7 Tenets on their site , Wikipedia , or at the bottom of my Bio , here at Agnostic .
(No , I'm not a member , but Yes I do support their Tenets for the most part , they are an Atheistic Faction.)

Dougy Level 7 Jan 26, 2018

I wish more people would read the 7 Tenets!

@dkp93 are you on FB ? If so , I'm on the forum & a few other TST friendly closed groups .

@Douglas I have already "liked" TST's FB page but I'm not sure about anything else specifically related to them. I've joined or liked various other atheist pages, but I haven't really been on FB much lately. I can't take large doses of it anymore. I get annoyed and/or upset quickly.

@dkp93 I understand . If it wasn't for internet being my sole source of secular community contact , I would not be so enthused . "Satanic Shitposting" is the most interesting , & you don't have to be a member to join any of the closed groups . Just tell them your an Atheist , & you support the 7 Tenets , & like supporting Church/State separation . Lots of attitude , but their hearts are in the right place for the most part . When I get tired of the people , my newsfeed never lets me down !

@Douglas Thanks, I just requested to join. Love the name.

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