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Anyone have funny/great pet or animal tales to tell?

I inherited my older brother's mustang stallion, Lightning, when I was ten years old, and usually rode him without a bridle or saddle, would rope half grown wild boars that got into the Haiti mission corn. Here's a pic of us when I was fourteen.

birdingnut 8 Jan 27

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What a great memory!


When my 11 yr old Shih Tzu was a pup, I nuzzled him on his side like you do kids sometimes, blowing some air and making a funny sputtering noise. He growled at me a little. Then, I did it again; he growled a little more. I went in for a 3rd nuzzle, a real good one this time. He didn't growl that time, he just whipped his little puppy head, with its needle-sharp puppy teeth around and latched very hard onto my nose. You know that instant of pain when you see a bright white light? Yeah, it was like that. I still note the scar every now and then when I look in the mirror. He and I came to an understanding that day. One of several in the years that have followed.


When I was much younger we had a basset hound, a notoriously stubborn breed. House training was not going well. One night I put papers down for her. The next morning she had messed everywhere but on the papers, and there weren't many of those places. I was younger and less patient and more quick tempered, so I kicked her on the rear hip in anger. I jammed and bruised my toe (served me right). She limped around the house all day, pausing to look at me with that sad, soulful face. I wanted to crawl in a hole. Around sunset, I retrieved her leash to take her for a walk. She jumped and almost waltzed around the house; she loved her walks. Trot, trot, trot. No hint of a limp was seen on the whole walk.
We came back to the house. I opened the front door. She trotted in, turned and looked at me, and then started to limp again! I don't think I've ever been played that well by anyone else. I laughed, petted her, and congratulated her for being so smart.

In Haiti, people throw rocks at stray dogs to make them go away. Sometimes stray dogs would come onto our mission and I'd pretend to throw a rock at them to make them leave, and often the dogs would react as though hit, flop on their sides, then limp away, dragging one leg and yelping as though I'd shot them.


That's so cool. I'm to big for a horse pluss my back and hip couldn't take it. I am impressed how cowboys can ride them. I go to the prison rodeos and watch them ride and dare the bulls. I'm not that brave to sit at a table untill the bull knocks you off. I think I'm just brave enough to fly and ride motorcycles


This is a great picture. We used to have a wildlife rescue in the Catskills. It was a running joke that their habitats were much nicer than my house. My husband built them both, it was true!




Lady zorro?


During the last 6 months I had been educated and trained by 3 chihuahuas, different sizes but same age. All ladies. I am the only alpha male in the house left and the fat one claimed me as hers. They are going to miss me more than I will miss them when I leave, and that makes me sad because one will wait for me to return, one will shed tears for my absence and the third will wonder why their alpha males keep leaving after being trained to their satisfaction. Sad.


My wife and I had a pot belly pig. Our Dachshund one day really chewed him up. There was blood everywhere. I had to wash the blood from the pig to assess the injuries as the blood was dried and all over his body and legs. So I decided to wash the pig in the shower. He loved water so why not? Lets just say it was and emergency and I did not want to get my clothes bloody.
After I washed the pig and was able to get him clean enough to tend to the injuries, I realized something. I had just showered necked with a pig!!!!


a lot of people think it's weird, but cows are one of my favorite animals. here's a strange thing i saw once.... i was on a road trip to Arkansas one summer, passing the many, many cattle fields along the way. i don't remember what state i was in at this particular moment, but after passing one of the fields that were overrun with bovines, a bit further down the road, i see a group of cows forming a circle, shoulder to shoulder around a telephone pole, with their heads all pressed up against the pole. No idea what they were doing but it was the oddest thing. reminded me of something from southpark.

Cows are awesome! The small farm behind my house sometimes has a few cows. (The farmer is getting too old to deal with large herds.) These three beauties lived there for about a year. When I took my dog out in the yard, we'd have to go check on "her cows." Sometimes they would come up to the fence to greet us, and a couple times the white one let me pet his snout. It was pretty amazing to me.

@dkp93 they are so photogenic lol, they always look right at the camera!


yes I was trying to breed my large dog with a large bitch and my friend came around and tried to help and then he got covered in liquid to which he said" whats this" I said well it's not piss and it's not dribble lol.

it was funny and we didn't even ask for his help lol

@LeighShelton I guess he put his foot in it..

no, he didn't go that far lol

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